domingo, 22 de julio de 2012
Ordinary time...
Sixteenth week of Ordinary Time
Cycle B
1 st Reading the Book of Jeremiah 23, 1-6
Psalm 22, 1-6
2 nd Reading Letter of Paul to the Ephesians 2: 13-18
Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark 6, 30-34
The Gospel of this Sunday, is short. Only five verses. At first glance, these verses seem to be a brief introduction to the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves in the desert (Mk 6.34 to 44). But if this Sunday's liturgy has separated from the rest, it means that these lines are picking up something very important, that may not serve notary if only to introduce the miracle of the loaves.
These verses reveal a characteristic of Jesus that has always attracted attention and continues to call: his concern for the health and training of disciples, his warm humanity towards the poor people of Galilee and his tenderness toward people.
These aspects of Jesus that the Church proposes to work this Sunday, we serve to prolong this behavior of Jesus in our relationship with others.
Mk 6.30: Review of the apostolic work.
6.31 to 32 Mc: Concern of Jesus for the rest of the disciples.
Mk 6.33: People have other criteria and follow Jesus.
Mk 6.34: Moved with compassion, Jesus changed his plan and caters.
From these verses emerge 2 important points:
- They offer a portrait of Jesus' disciples forming.
- Indicates that proclaim the Good News of Jesus is not just a matter of doctrine, but especially welcome, kindness, tenderness, availability, revelation of God's love.
Jesus was new leaders, committed to his disciples in the mission and used to suddenly take a quieter place to rest and do a review. He worried about their food and rest, because the work of the mission was such that they had no time to eat.
Moved with compassion, Jesus changed his plan and caters, resignation to rest and began teaching, Jesus is moved by the suffering these people abandoned "because they were like sheep without a shepherd" (cf. Ps 23). When Jesus realizes that people without a pastor, he begins to be and guide the crowd through the desert of life.
And people could sing:
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall want
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside still waters
And restores my soul "(Ps 23.1-3a).
To meditate and pray
In our time, we reject, as if it were a slave, adherence to revealed truth, but we are willing to make us servants of the "myth" of the day. We feel as oppressive obedience to authority, but servile subjects We are the leader in fashion. We demand individual liberty and then, paradoxically, fail to live without being part of a herd.
What these leaders pursued in reality?
We need to ask him not to end up scattered, disbanded, exploited, exploited, subject to the personal desire to be someone.
Today as yesterday, the real exercise of power is service, and who owns it is authentic guide for others, to the extent you are willing to give his life for them, and "have-to" them.
We ask you Lord, for the powerful of this world, for kings and all with different titles that have the responsibility to guide others. Help them live their task as a service to others: do not mislead their flocks with demagogic speeches, which did not disappoint with promises and bad examples or operating them into believing that work for the good of all.
And to whom we trust you, help us out of our passivity, as you know give us rest and engage in missionary work to welcome our neighbor's needs, and proclaim the Good News in word and deed to all who around us.
Brother Fernando Fortunato OSB.
Have a good weekend
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