lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

La alegría...

La alegría como signo

Que tu alegría, Jesús brille en nuestros rostros.
Enséñanos a ser alegres como Tú.
Alegres porque tanto nos amó el Padre
que te envió para nuestra salvación.
Alegres porque has venido,
has compartido nuestras penas,
y nos has dado la mayor prueba de amistad.
Alegres porque siempre estás con nosotros,
presente en nuestra historia.
Alegres porque nos estás preparando un lugar
en el que podamos compartir plenamente tu gozo.
Concédenos, Jesús, la felicidad de entregar
nuestras vidas al servicio de los demás.
Y que nuestro compromiso por los marginados
sea nuestra mayor fuente de felicidad.
Concédenos la felicidad de los pobres
de espíritu, con hambre y sed de justicia.
Danos esa felicidad que sólo Tú sabes dar
en medio de incomprensiones y persecución.
Que las pruebas y persecuciones,
llevadas en la alegría del Espíritu,
nos ensanchen el corazón y se conviertan
en riqueza de generosidad para con todos.
Tú que eres nuestro único bien, Señor,
nos haces entrever perspectivas de gozo eterno,
pues sabemos que cuando nos encontremos
cara a cara, nuestro corazón se llenará de un gozo
inenarrable, que nadie podrá ya sacarnos jamás.
Sabemos que en todo triunfaremos
gracias a la fuerza de tu Amor.

spiritual message

Why the Virgin weeps?

The Virgin cries in many of his images miraculous, because men do not listen to your messages, which invite us to conversion, to change lives, to pray more and do penance. So Mary, who does not want his children, men, we lose forever, shed tears, even blood, to make us understand the gravity of the situation facing humanity.

Watch for orders of our Heavenly Mother, because a mother always seeks the good of the children, and if the mother cries, it is because it has no words to convince, but uses her tears to soften our hardened hearts.

Let us start from today, to pray more, to make more sacrifices, give up small tastes of love for God and Her. Let us start a new life fulfilling the Ten Commandments and confessing frequently. Going to Mass at least every Sunday, for Mary is comfort that we are children bad but we have the willingness to change and start being good.

It is necessary that we are close to the Lord, we get more, we increase our faithfulness to God, pray more and make more sacrifices, because a handful of souls of good will, the Lord forgives many sinners.

Let's help Mary to rescue children from the evil power. And the weapons to be used are other than those used by Jesus: prayer and penance.

Seize the thousand annoyances that we arise every day for the sole reason of trying to meet state our homework, and we will console with that much to the Virgin, who will smile and pour on us and on our own, thank copious river and gifts, and even materials heavenly favors, and be happy since this land, because it is never so happy as when one feels useful to God and neighbor.