viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

El Apocalipsis...

El Apocalipsis en la Obra de María Valtorta
No se convierten
Dice Jesús:
“Yo vendría a morir por segunda vez, para salvarles de una muerte más atroz todavía... Pero mi Padre no lo permite... Mi Amor lo permitiría, la Justicia no. Sabe que sería inútil. Por ello vendré tan sólo en la última hora. Pero ¡ay de los que en aquella hora me verán habiendo elegido por su señor a Lucifer! No se necesitarán armas en manos de mis ángeles para vencer la batalla contra los anticristos. Bastará mi mirada.
¡Oh! ¡si los hombres supieran todavía volverse a Mí que soy la salvación! Sólo deseo esto y lloro porque veo que nada es capaz de hacerles levantar la cabeza hacia el Cielo desde donde Yo les extiendo mis brazos.” 
(Los cuadernos 1943 – María Valtorta) 
¡Pobre Dios que no sabe cómo llamar a los hombres a la conversión, al arrepentimiento! Nos cubre de dones y los usamos mal y para pecar. Nos manda castigos, permitiéndolos, y nos rebelamos contra Él. Nos da salud y la usamos para el mal. Nos envía la enfermedad y el sufrimiento, y no sabemos sufrir con resignación y paciencia, acusamos a Dios y no aprovechamos ese dolor para purificarnos.
El libro del Apocalipsis es muy claro cuando relata las pestes y calamidades que suceden a los hombres al fin de los tiempos, y que ellos en lugar de convertirse, siguen en su pecado hasta el fin.
Que no nos suceda esto a nosotros y aprovechemos todo lo que Dios quiera o permita en nuestras vidas, porque todo será por amor hacia nosotros, ya que Dios, todo lo que hace o permite, lo hace o permite por amor, aunque no lo entendamos de momento, e incluso aunque no lo entendamos nunca en este mundo.
Preparémonos a los tiempos difíciles que se avecinan y no juzguemos jamás a Dios, aunque nos parezca que sus castigos son muy duros. Lo que sucede es que el pecado es muy grande.

Gospel of the day...

Friday 13/JUL/12
Gospel of the day

Mt 10, 16-23.

Perseverance is the key.

Jesus told his apostles: I send you as sheep among wolves: be so wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Beware of men, for they will deliver to the courts and scourge you in their synagogues. Because of me, will be brought before governors and kings, to testify before them and the pagans. When arrested, do not worry about how they will speak or what they will say what they should say they will release at the time, it is not you who speak but the Spirit of your Father speaking in you. Brother will betray his brother to be sentenced to death, and the father his child; children will rebel against their parents and put to death. You will be hated by all because of my name s, but he who endures to the end will be saved. When you are persecuted in one city, flee to another. I assure you that will not break through the cities of Israel before it reaches the Son of man.


We're entering that time announcing the Lord in this Gospel, because the world becomes increasingly pagan and contrary to God and Christ and all that is Christian is being increasingly persecuted and hated.

So we need to arm ourselves of perseverance, because, as Jesus says in this Gospel passage: "He who endures to the end will be saved."

It better be for a while in the grace of God, but we must always live in grace, fulfilling the Ten Commandments and being kind to everyone. And if we have the misfortune to fall into grievous sins, it is necessary to lift us to become a sincere confession with the priest and continue on their way, without ever stopping, no matter what, because the award is excessive and is promised to no that are flawless, but for sinners who keep getting up over and over again of his sin, and ultimately reach perfection.

If we are true Christians, then the world will follow us, because the highest in the world are opposed to the wisdom of Christ, and necessarily, if we want to be consistent with the Gospel and live it, we're going to the world, now more than ever is in power the Evil One.

But what can happen to us bad, really bad, God is with us? Absolutely everything is ruled by God, and He will not allow anything in our life that is truly harmful. So we have great faith and trust in God and his Mother, who run our lives.

Let us ask the Blessed Virgin the grace of perseverance in good and in the grace of God, that we are saved not only us, but while we are like magnets that attract other souls to salvation.

Jesus, Mary, I love you, save souls.