Catholic living
Thinking about death.
Scripture says: "Think of the late and never will sin", ie, think of the last things: Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell, and live your life well, doing good deeds and avoiding sin.
And today I want to touch the special theme of death. Because all going to die, and this is a reality that we experience every day, as we learn from the media of accidents and murders, in which die many men, women and children, since death does not respect age or sex or social status. Well, one day we too will experience death.
And if we think of that crucial moment depends our eternal destiny: Heaven or Hell, we find that we are in a severe numbness, we do not want to hear about death, being that it's the safest thing to happen to us in life that one day die.
Many men and women, after the death of relatives or friends, they found a life of penance, prayer and holiness! And we were so relieved to see the death of others, without being aware that we are not properly prepared if we were starting today to eternity.
It's time we start, starting today, to think more about our death and what comes after it, and so will not waste time on such nonsense not seldom sinful, and we've used very well our life, which actually is, or should be, a preparation for death, to give the smooth passage to eternity, that is death.
May God give us the grace to meditate more on our own death, to be smart and make good use of time and property to do good and thus earn a place in heaven with God, where we will be happy forever.