lunes, 23 de julio de 2012


Difficult but ... ahead!

Proclaiming, loud and clear,
the Lord is the center of our history,
that without Him, all raves and is destined to fail.
Advertising, word and deed,
the Lord is the source of our energy,
is not what happened yesterday,
it is not an idol with a simple tunic and staff.
That the Lord is more than legend.

Difficult but ... Forward!
Teaching that a heaven awaits us.
Recalling that, in God, we are brothers.
Screaming that forgiveness can only hate.
Working for the land,
is a picture of what awaits us in eternity.

Difficult but ... ahead!
Aware of our sins and miseries.
Becoming roads and wrong attitudes.
Returning to the dispersion and confusion.
Praying that, what we say and act,
Divine inspiration is not just human.

Difficult but ... ahead!
That Jesus goes before us along the way,
when the wind pushes us in the world will stop,
encourages us when our feet are slow,
up when we fall off our faces,
forgives our sins weigh us down.
That Jesus wants us flesh.
That Jesus is aware of our mud.
That Jesus knows we are not gods.
That Jesus, trust our weak hands.

Difficult but ... ahead!
Always on!
In our task of being Christians.
In our desire to proclaim the sky.
In our efforts to make Christ known.
In our dilemmas and anxieties.
Always, always, go ahead!

P. Javier Leoz


Kill the error, erring love

Four crazy days.
The popular song says, "For four days we will live crazy. For four days you have to have fun you crazy. "
Is there a song more mundane than this? Because it is impregnated with the spirit world, telling us that we go well in this world because this world is all there.
Instead Christ has told us that we must resign ourselves and follow the way of the cross, of self-sacrifice of ourselves. So who loves the world also can not love God.
Who wants to enjoy this world and accept its top, you will lose eternal life, since he says the Lord who loves his life in this world will lose it, and whoever loses his life here, the gain for eternity. They are not just words, but it is the truth that tells us the very Word of God.
How do we live? It's time to take stock of how we are living lately. Because with technological advances and conveniences that everywhere we offer makes us forget this truth, that only save those who enter through the narrow gate and walk the narrow way, as others will be grass infernal abyss .
How different is what we are told the media, especially television, in ad campaigns and programs, is not it?
Open our eyes because the devil is an angel of light and would have us believe that everything is the same, and that you can walk with one foot on the right track and with the other foot in the wrong way.
You can not compromise with God and the devil because they are irreconcilable, as irreconcilable are the sons of God with the children of darkness.


spiritual message

Until the reunion.
This life is very sad for the separations. Our relatives and friends die and we are being left alone. But this is only temporary, it will arrive the day of eternity, where we will be forever reunited with our loved ones and there will be weeping, mourning or separation, but only happiness and joy without end.
But some may think, what if one of my loved ones is doomed, I can be happy in heaven without his presence?
Here on earth we can get an idea of ​​what it is to see God. But we know that when one sees God, he forgets everything else. And if a loved one is condemned, when we are in Heaven not miss him, but we desentenderemos it forever, because it will become a devil, who hates God and forget it forever.
It is difficult to understand in this world, so while we are here on earth, we must do everything possible and even impossible, for our loved ones to be saved all. But have no fear of not being happy in heaven because missing any of us, and to see God and enjoy him, captures both our attention and our love, everything else does not matter. Besides those who are in Heaven God's love, and know that everything God has decreed fair.
Pray the Rosary every day, with family, so that none of our beloved relatives and friends lost. But we know that if lost, as we will be reunited in heaven those who have stood the test of life, with an unspeakable joy and perfect, that nothing and nobody can tarnish at any time or in any way.