miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

Dios de todos los días...

Dios de todos los días
Padre Bueno, Dios de la Vida,
enséñame a descubrirte
en la vida de todos los días.
Tú nos ofreces tu presencia amiga
en la historia que vivimos.
Sales a nuestro encuentro
en amaneceres y atardeceres.
Nos miras
en los ojos de nuestros hermanos.
te revelas cercano,
en el que sufre y está solo.
Tú estás siempre,
Señor Dios de todos,
somos nosotros quienes
no te vemos, ni te escuchamos.
Creemos hallarte donde
nuestras explicaciones señalan.
Tú te escabulles y apareces
donde menos lo esperamos.
Dios de la pura sorpresa,
que nos dejas inquietos
y nos enseñas a estar atentos,
enséñanos otra vez,
y otra, y una más.
Nos cuesta tanto
aceptar tus palabras…
y dejarnos en tus manos.
Dios de todos los días,
vivo y actuante en las cosas que pasan.
Dios cercano y compañero.
Dios sencillo, Dios hermano.
Descúbrenos tu presencia,
ayúdanos a recorrer
el camino de la conversión.
Necesitamos dar la vuelta,
volver sobre nuestras convicciones,
revisar nuestras prácticas,
abandonar toda seguridad
para empezar de nuevo.
Dios de todos los días,
que nos vivitas en diarios y noticias,
que abres tu boca
en la necesidad de tantos,
que abres tus manos
en las búsquedas de muchos,
que caminas a nuestro paso,
que te sientas a nuestro lado,
en la familia, en el trabajo,
en la escuela.
Dios, sencillamente Dios,
te revelas en la vida,
en la creación y en la historia
que vivimos , cotidianamente, todos.
Cambia nuestra mirada…
abre nuestros oídos…
despierta nuestra mente…
enséñanos a contemplarte
para responder a tu llamado
y vivir la fe, en la vida de todos los días.
Marcelo Murúa


Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Sister Josefa Menendez, with comment
I do not.
19 March and 2 April 1922
Sister Josefa continues to write about their temporary declines to hell, which will help you finally decide to forget all about herself and collaborate fully with Jesus and His plan for the salvation of souls. Their stories are an invaluable aid for those souls who want to love Jesus more, and to return to the Lord those who are at risk of damnation. Sister Josefa writes:
"... The devil was very angry because I wanted to lose three souls ... He shouted angrily: 'Do not run away ...! To be ...! Strong ...! Strong! 'This way, constantly, with shouts of rage that answered, by far, other demons. For several days I witnessed these struggles ... I begged the Lord to do whatever he wanted me so that these souls were lost. I also went to the Virgin and she gave me great comfort because I left ready to suffer everything to save them, and I do not let the devil come out victorious ... "
"The devil only shouted:` ... Be alert to anything that might disturb ...! Do not run away ... do you despair '. Was that there was tremendous confusion and shouting profanities. Then I heard him say angrily: `Never mind! I still have two ... Take away the trust ... 'I realized I had missed one, which had passed into eternity, because shouting: `Soon ... fast ... that these two do not escape ... Take them, that despair ... Soon , that we are '. Then, with a gnashing of teeth and a rage that can not be said, I felt such tremendous shouts, 'I have one and still will not let him take her ...!' Hell everything and it was just a cry of despair with a big mess and devils screamed and complained and blasphemed horribly. I knew by this that souls were saved. My heart leaped for joy, but I was unable to make an act of love ...
Sister Josefa, even in the midst of his experience in hell writes: "I have no hatred towards God how are you other souls, and when I hear that curse and blaspheme, because I so sorry I do not know what to suffer to prevent Lord is insulted and offended ... I feel much torment. It's as if her throat entered a river of fire that passes through the body, and attached to the pain I have said before. Like I apretasen behind and ahead with burning irons ... I do not know what to say ... I suffer much pain is tremendous ... eyes seems out of place and as if to snatch ... tirasen nerves become very strained. The body is as bent, you can not lift a finger ... The smell that's so bad, you can not breathe *, but this is nothing compared the soul, knowing that the goodness of God, is forced to hate and, above all, if I had known and loved, suffered much more ... "
* Josefa always dismissed this intolerable stench returning from one of his visits to hell or the devil away and tormented: smell sulfur, rotten meat and burned, according to reliable witnesses, was perceived significantly over fifteen minutes and sometimes half hour, and unpleasant impression which she retained much longer still.
When we think of Hell or read some revelations of Sister Josefa like this on the very great and unspeakable sufferings of Hell, we believe that we can pass us, and we are as quiet as if that might not be for us, but since we believe as confirmed in grace, and we think that we can ever happen to us.
This is a deception of the devil who wants to lull empuñemos no weapons of prayer and penance, because we want to believe that we are sure of going to Heaven and avoid Hell.
But who can be sure of that if only God who has revealed that fate knows? For ordinary mortals, we are down to the last moment of our existence, in the test of life, you can have a happy or unhappy.
Let us exercise because we believe that we have condemned and try to think that destiny is eternal and the tremendous sufferings we suffer, and thought surely this will give us the courage to make the greatest sacrifices and be more diligent in prayer, not only to save us, but to save the poor souls, among which are our loved ones.
The devil, in these times, has put the idea of ​​Hell, and does not want to hear about it. Even in Catholic only wants to talk about God's mercy, but he neglects his righteousness, as if God's mercy and justice are not the same.
Think Hell to avoid, because when death comes and everything will be sealed and may condemn us, as it is also possible that we may be saved.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You