jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012


Letters of St. Paul.

Obedience and modesty.
The praise for all the things they remember me and keep the traditions as I have passed. However, I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonours his head. And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her head as if she were shaven. So if a woman covers her head, cut his hair. And if it be a shame for a woman a haircut or shave, which is covered! (1 Cor 11: 2-6).
Here St. Paul refers to two important things today are not taken into account and so goes the world.
The first is that the wife must respect her husband and be subject to him, for or is subject to the husband or is subject to the devil, because when she wants to do what he wants, see what is happening in the world, the family breaks down and the children roam everywhere.
God has done an admirable order and the Virgin is the perfect example of every woman. And the Virgin was put to Jesus, but also to her husband San Jose, although this was much lower just to her dignity.
But also what Christ has said, that there is nothing wrong with obeying and serving, for He Himself came to obey and serve, and that was great, and whoever wants to be great in heaven, is made the slave of all .
The other reason that St. Paul speaks of women's hair is that it is a weapon of seduction female hair, and like this, all matters relating to the fashions of today, we must take into account as many sins impurity by the provocative fashion, no longer show only the hair but are elegantly naked down the street, being a stumbling block for many.
Magdalene, the repentant sinner, learned humiliate one of his means of seduction, the hair, which had been used for evil, to dry his tears on the Lord's feet.
St. Paul, pray for us!