miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

First day...

Mary, our model
CONSIDERATION. - The best way to honor the Blessed Virgin, we strive to
play their admirable virtues, because She is not only our mother, but our
Mary has been elevated to the sublime holiness that characterized not by gender exceptional life,
but fully complying with the spirit of faith, each of their acts. Sui existence has been,
outwardly simple and ordinary: the observation of the divine law: the practice of the virtues of their state,
constitutes its perfection. The road followed, is that we should follow. Lift up
She looked up, her behavior and meditate apliquémonos to play by our feelings,
actions, words, what we admire in her, let us strive to make each day a step in this imitation
our Mother, this is the safest way to be nice.
"The soul of Mary is the faithful mirror which reflects, in all its beauty, the sublime
virtues, "Ambrose says, that she is our model and the light of all our steps.
EXAMPLE. - A holy king, enjoyed going during winter nights, to visit Jesus in the
solitude of his tent.
The vassal who followed him and walked back, just trampled the snow, shivering,
my feet hurt and complained of the hardships of the road. The prince said, "Put your feet in the
traces of my footsteps and feel significantly relieved. "
The server did and felt suddenly a hot sweet fortified it.
Walk in the footsteps of the Holy Virgin, put our feet in the marks of his footsteps
and following, easy to find, even appealing, what had seemed at first impossible
or unpleasant.
If the heat of the virtues of Mary encourages our hearts, suddenly feel parched by a
unquenchable ardor to follow in the footsteps of a beautiful model, that is, to imitate.
PRAYER. - Oh Mary! receive me, I beg you, as your son; obtenedme the grace to imitate
your virtues, particularly your humility, gentleness, patience and love for God. Obtain for one
Vos and true devotion to your divine Son without which nothing can be, teach me to
bear the crosses, humiliations, and all the sorrows that God send like: do, in order that
living in the practice of virtue, to die in your arms and pronouncing the names expiring
Jesus, Mary and Joseph. So be it.
RESOLUTION. - I will apply to imitate the Blessed Virgin, in all my actions.
Ejaculation. - Holy Mother of God, pray for us.

Being a leader...

Being a leader

A human and Christian value is know to be a leader,
although we have a position with collaborators
in our business or employment. We can be leaders
in our family, in our community, in our
parish in our apostolate.

Here the differences between Head and Leader:

To the Chief, authority control is a privilege
and for the privilege of Service Leader. The Head directs:
"I'm in charge here", Leader: "Here I serve."
The head pushes the group and the leader going forward
agreeing with their actions.

Chief authority exists, the leader for good
will. The Chief needs imposed by arguments
extensive, with examples Leader endearing.

The Boss inspires fear, feared, he smiles in front
and criticizes him back. The leader inspires trust,
empowers its people, excited and when
present, strengthens the group. If you fear your superior,
is Chief. If love is a Leader.

Chief seeks to blame when there is an error.
He who goes around comes around. Penalize, punish, rebuke,
believes fixing the world with a cry or a violation.
Leader flame never extinguishes, but corrects
includes not looking for flaws pleasure, but
to rehabilitate the fallen.

The Chief assigns homework, ordering everyone
what to do, while watching from
Instead how he obeys. The leader sets the example,
works with and like the others, is consistent
your thinking, speaking and acting.

The boss makes work a burden, a privilege Leader.
Those who have a leader, can not tire more annoyed,
because the leader conveys the joy of living and working.

The Chief knows how things are done, the leader teaches
how they should be done. One holds the secret of success
permanently enables the other, so that people
can do things effectively.

The Chief manages people, prepares Leader. The Chief massifies
converting people in numbers or chips. The Leader
knows each of its employees, treats them as individuals,
not used as things. Respect the personality, rests
man in particular, it stimulates and drives him constantly.

The Boss says, "go", the Leader "go". The Leader promotes
the group through teamwork, as other leaders,
get a real commitment from all members, formulates
plans with clear and specific goals, motivates, supervises
and promotes the ideal of a living hope and infectious joy.

The Chief is on time, the Leader arrives in advance. "One foot forward
group, a look beyond the followers "that inspires,
which is not satisfied as possible but with the impossible.

The leading causes of ordinary people, extraordinary people.
The Commit to a mission that allows transcendence
and realization. It gives meaning to the lives of their followers,
a reason to live, is a human architect.


Ser líder

Un valor cristiano y humano es saber ser líder,
aunque no tengamos una posición con colaboradores
en nuestro negocio o empleo. Podemos ser líderes
en nuestra familia, en nuestra comunidad, en nuestra
parroquia, en nuestro apostolado.

Aquí las diferencias entre Jefe y Líder:

Para el Jefe, la autoridad es un privilegio de mando
y para el Líder un privilegio de Servicio. El Jefe ordena:
"Aquí mando yo", el Líder: "Aquí sirvo yo".
El jefe empuja al grupo y el Líder va al  frente
comprometiéndose con sus acciones.

El Jefe existe por la autoridad, el Líder por la buena
voluntad. El Jefe necesita imponerse con argumentos
extensos, el Líder con ejemplos entrañables.

El Jefe inspira miedo, se le teme, se le sonríe de frente
y se le critica de espalda. El Líder inspira confianza,
da poder a su gente, los entusiasma y cuando
está presente, fortalece al grupo. Si temes a tu superior,
es Jefe. Si lo amas es un Líder.

El Jefe busca al culpable cuando hay un error.
El que la hace la paga. Sanciona, castiga, reprende,
cree arreglar el mundo con un grito o con una infracción.
El Líder jamás apaga una llama encendida, corrige pero
comprende, no busca las fallas por placer, sino
para rehabilitar al caído.

El Jefe asigna los deberes, ordena a cada quien
lo que tiene que hacer, mientras contempla desde
su lugar cómo se le obedece. El Líder da el ejemplo,
trabaja con y como los demás, es congruente
con su pensar, decir y actuar.

El Jefe hace del trabajo una carga, el Líder un privilegio.
Los que tienen un Líder, pueden cansarse más no fastidiarse,
porque el Líder transmite la alegría de vivir y de trabajar.

El Jefe sabe como se hacen las cosas, el Líder enseña
cómo deben hacerse. Uno se guarda el secreto del éxito,
el otro capacita permanentemente, para que la gente
pueda hacer las cosas con eficacia.

El Jefe maneja a la gente, el Líder la prepara. El Jefe masifica
a las personas convirtiéndolas  en números o fichas. El Líder
conoce a cada uno de sus colaboradores, los trata como personas,
no los usa como cosas. Respeta la personalidad, se apoya
en el hombre concreto, lo dinamiza y lo impulsa constantemente.

El Jefe dice, "vaya", el Líder "vayamos". El Líder promueve
al grupo a través del trabajo en equipo, forma a otros Líderes,
consigue un compromiso real de todos los miembros, formula
planes con objetivos claros y concretos, motiva, supervisa
y difunde el ideal de una esperanza viva y una alegría contagiosa.

El Jefe llega a tiempo, el Líder llega adelantado. "Un pie adelante
del grupo, una mirada más allá de los seguidores" el que inspira,
el que no se contenta con lo posible sino con lo imposible.

El líder hace de la gente ordinaria, gente extraordinaria.
La Compromete con una misión que le permita la trascendencia
y realización. Le da significado a la vida de sus seguidores,
un porqué vivir, es un Arquitecto humano.