sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

Keep in mind...

Keep in mind ...

That when you stumble, there your treasure itself.
If we learn from our mistakes, life
takes a prodigious intensity. The failure does not prevent
success, but it differs. Matter if the will
more awareness to overcome the difficulties,
and available resources.

Keep in mind ...
That beyond the world of fighting and opposing
unit exists at all. The separation is visible secondary
surface. The true reality is the presence of God
in our lives.

Keep in mind ...
If you love what you can not despise the spiritual field.
But where one hides his wealth, keep your heart right there.
Do not plant the tree roots of happiness in the sand.
You are in the world, but your essence is not the world,
but the Lord loves you.

Keep in mind ...
If you copy the path of another you can not make your own potential.
Each is wonderfully different. Not a fingerprint is repeated.
No two trefoils exactly equal. Therefore we must all
express our particular style of being. There is beauty in that, in turn,
There is no fun in being serious in series. Nothing is healthier
to laugh with us.

Keep in mind ...
That nothing is exciting if you know what the outcome.
It is very important to the wonder, the ability to discover, to look
reality through the eyes of a child with a gift wrapped yet.
God gives us wonderful surprises every day, we need,
many times, the ability to wonder, to play hide and seek
with life. Never, ever existed before now; sails
the now that Jesus will help you reach fruition.

Keep in mind ....
That nothing is safe if you obey the call of adventure.
The mooring is protected, but not browse.
So the shelters, where they protect
to craft, they are called "dead".

Keep in mind ...
They refuse to pain and reality of life is to give it up.
With the birth began to die. Every object has a shadow.
The bud opens its velvety beauty that the rose is,
and in every movement to its fullness, gradually declines,
by fatalism plant, its original beauty.

Keep in mind ...
The ordinary perception of the facts fragments routine.
You can not capture all of the wonderful dance of life,
extraordinary how life used to orchestrate,
imposing a symphony, all instruments of expression
musical, seemingly isolated, making up your unit.

Keep in mind ...
That we can not cure the world of sorrows, but live in joy.
When we want to solve the problems of the universe that God
has given us, we are girdling the tree mismatch.
At most we might encourage us to straighten our lives.
The meaning of life is what you give, and what better if to the Lord.

Keep in mind ...
That if the seed plant dies there. All change involves pruning,
a break, a birth and a farewell. That is, the chance
springs from the heart of the crisis. You have to recreate themselves for not merged.
There are moments ... days ... meetings ... wonderful links
like a pearl. Knowing how to find what it is the secret of art
to navigate through life, you have to learn to dive
to depths that do not float.

Obras de Misericordia...

Obras de Misericordia

Consolar al triste. 
Cuando consolamos a alguien que está triste, hacemos una gran obra de misericordia, puesto que la tristeza puede llevar al desánimo y a la desesperación, y en los momentos de tristeza es cuando Satanás aprovecha y se insinúa con sus tentaciones, porque él es cobarde y rodea al alma cuando ésta se encuentra en estado de debilidad, y la tristeza es uno de estos estados de debilidad.
Por eso si con nuestra alegría y consuelo vamos a consolar al que está triste, estamos arrebatando un alma de las garras del Maligno y se la estamos dando a Dios, ya que el alma, al volver a sentir alegría, vuelve a tener esperanza y tiene ánimos para seguir luchando.
Cuando uno está triste, ve todo negro, incluso las cosas más lindas, le parecen que no son para él o que jamás las alcanzará. Es entonces cuando el buen cristiano debe llevar sus ganas de vivir y sus esperanzas a esta alma atormentada por la tristeza, para elevarla a Dios e infundirle nueva fortaleza para la lucha, que nunca termina mientras estamos en este mundo. Hoy consolamos nosotros, y mañana nos consolarán a nosotros, porque no sabemos las vueltas que puede tener la vida, y ya lo ha dicho el Señor que quien sea misericordioso, recibirá misericordia, y no sólo de Dios, sino también de los hombres.
Y si queremos ir más lejos, sepamos que también las Almas del Purgatorio están muy tristes, porque en el Juicio particular vieron a Dios, pero fueron apartadas de Él, y entonces suspiran de amor por Él y están como llenas de tristeza por no poder unirse a Dios. Tratemos de consolarlas con nuestras oraciones, sufragios, misas y penitencias, acortándoles de esta forma el tiempo de espera.
Jesús, en Vos confío.