domingo, 15 de julio de 2012

Gospel of the day...

Sunday 15/JUL/12
Gospel of the day

Mk 6: 7-13.

The Lord sends us.

Jesus called the Twelve and sent them two by two, giving them authority over unclean spirits. And commanded them that they should take to the road more than a stick, no food, no supplies, no money, they were shod with sandals and did not have two tunics. He said, "Stay in the house where accommodation to give them time to leave. If you do not receive a place and people will not listen, to get out, shake the dust from their feet for a testimony against them. "Then they went to preach, urging conversion, drove out many demons and healed many sick, anointing them with oil.


Also today Jesus sends his apostles, that we are Catholics. And how should we preach? With the word but especially with our actions. Invite the conversion is urgent at this time, since according to several apparitions of the Blessed Virgin are very close to the Lord's Day, and we must be converted to meet that day to be prepared to meet the Lord who comes. Turn means to begin fulfilling the commandments of the Law of God and follow the teachings that Jesus left us in his Gospel, to live well in God's grace and be prepared for the coming of the Lord, either to his Second Coming at the end of the times, or for particularly coming for each of us at the time of our death.

Let us ask the Blessed Virgin the grace to be ardent evangelists in these times as strong, marked by the mercy of God and that we seize every moment and circumstance to be apostles of the Lord.

Jesus, Mary, I love you, save souls.

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