Friday 3/AGO/12
Gospel of the day
Mt 13, 54-58.
Lack of faith.
Upon reaching his people, Jesus began to teach people in the synagogue, so that all were amazed. "Where did they come from, say, the wisdom and the power to do miracles? Is not this the carpenter's son? Does your mother is called Mary? And are not his brothers James, Joses, Simon and Judas? And do not live among us all his sisters? Whence come all this? ". And Jesus was to them a source of scandal. Then he said: "A prophet is despised only in his village and his family." He did not do many miracles there because of the lack of faith of those people.
Today's Gospel says. "He did not do many miracles there because of the lack of faith of these people." And we should care that we do not happen the same. Because in these times of apostasy should care for and strengthen our faith in God, since faith is everything to the Christian. It is a time when faith is tested and we must pray unceasingly and ask God to increase us, and make acts of faith, such as frequently pray the Creed, and above all be humble, and that where there is no pride no faith.
Let us ask Our Lady's grace every day we have more faith and trust in God and in her, because without faith, life is hopeless.
Jesus, Mary, I love you, save souls.
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