domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012



A mother is happy when you can serve your children, help them all, and give his own life to save the lives of their children.

Thus hath the Lord Jesus Christ with men, who are his children. He has acted as a mother of mankind and has come to save us from the tyranny of Satan, that we had caught and tied to the death.

And the joy of Jesus was to be delivered by us men, because as He said to his apostles had come to be served but to serve.

And we also, to the extent we want to be happy, we must learn to serve God first, because anyone who serves God is happy in this world, and secondly also serve the brothers for the love of God, and then yes you will find meaning to our lives, which sometimes seems so futile and useless. If we serve, then I'll fill our souls with the joy of knowing that we are useful to God and neighbor.

Seek, then, to be happy, a time to serve others, either by entering a charity group in the parish, or practicing works of mercy, corporal and spiritual, or simply taking the best for our loved ones, the award is great, because if Jesus said that not a glass of water given for love go unrewarded, how much more the Lord will reward us if we do not just water, but the most valuable thing we have: our life, our time, the spiritually or materially needy!

Then one of the secrets to happiness in this world and the next, is to serve God and man.

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