sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2012


† Saints

Our Lady,
Our Lady of Sorrows
Sept. 15
The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin that attracted the most devotion are: the prophecy of Simeon, the flight into Egypt, the three days Jesus was lost, the encounter with Jesus carrying the cross, his death on Calvary, the Descent, the placement in the tomb.

Simeon had previously announced opposition to Mother that he would raise his Son, the Redeemer. When she, at forty days old offered his son to God in the Temple, Simeon said: "This child should be cause for both fall and resurrection for the people of Israel. Shall post a sign that many rejected and you a sword will pierce your own soul "(Lk 2:34).

The pain of Mary on Calvary was sharper than any other in the world, because there has been no mother who had a heart as tender an the Mother of God. As there has been equal to his love. She suffered all for us to enjoy the grace of redemption. He suffered voluntarily to demonstrate his love, for love is tested with the sacrifice.

Not to be the Mother of God Mary could cope with their pain but to see things from God's plan and not herself, or rather, endorsed the plan of God. We must do the same. The Sorrowful Mother we lend a hand to help.

Devotion to the Sorrows of Mary is the source of countless thanks because it reaches deep into the heart of Christ. If you often think of the false pleasures of this world would embrace with patience the pains and sufferings of life. We pierce the pain of sins.

The Church encourages us to give ourselves unreservedly to the love of Mary and carry our cross patiently accompanied the Sorrowful Mother. She really wants to help us carry our daily crosses, for it was in her dying Son ordeal that we entrusted the care of his mother. It was his last will to love his mother as he loved Him
The Word of God
"Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother:" This child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign of contradiction - and you yourself a sword will pierce your own soul - to the remaining discovered the thoughts of many hearts. "

There was also a prophetess, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher, the elderly, after marrying had lived seven years with her husband, and a widow until she was eighty-four years old and never left the temple, serving God night and day with fasting and prayer.

As at that very hour she gave thanks to God and spoke of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.
So I performed all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their city Nazareth. The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him. His parents went every year to Jerusalem for the Passover feast.

When he was twelve years old, they went up as usual to the party and, turning after the days, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem without his parents knowing. But believing that he would be in the caravan, they went a day's journey, and sought him among their relatives and acquaintances, but to not find him, they returned to Jerusalem, seeking him. "Luke 2, 34-45
"When they saw him, were astonished, and his mother said," Son, why have you done this? Look, your father and I anxiously been looking for you. " Lk 2, 48
"All you who pass by the way, look and see if there suffering like that torments me," Lam 1, 12

Prayer itself of the Ninth
Blessed and highly afflicted Mother, Our Lady of Sorrows and Queen of Martyrs! You were standing motionless beneath the Cross, while dying your Son.
The sword of sorrow pierced you then, by the continued suffering of your life with pain and joy that you are now rewarded for your trials and tribulation, look tenderly Mother, have pity on me to behold your face to venerate your sorrows . Deposit my petition with childlike confidence in the sanctuary of your wounded heart.
I beg to present Jesus Christ, in union with the infinite merits of His Passion and Death, which suffered at the Cross, and by your merits I be granted this request (Mention your request).
Who'll come me in my needs and sufferings but thee, Mother of mercy? Drank so deeply of the chalice of your Son you can have compassion for the suffering of those who are still in this vale of tears.
Give to our divine Saviour what He suffered on the cross for your memories will move to pity me, a sinner. Refuge of sinners and the hope of humanity, and listen accepts my request favorably, if according to the will of God.
Lord Jesus, I offer Thee the merits of Mary, Mother and ours, who won on the Cross. For your kind intercession may I obtain the delicious fruits of your passion and death.
Mary, Blessed Virgin and Queen of Martyrs, accept the sincere homage of my childhood love. Receive my poor soul inside your heart, pierced by so many swords. Take it for your pain mate at the foot of the cross, where Jesus died to redeem the world.
You, Our Lady of Sorrows, I will gladly suffer all the trials, sufferings and afflictions that God is pleased to send me. The offer in memory of your sorrows. Let all my thoughts and heartbeat are an act of compassion and love for you.
Beloved Mother have mercy on me, reconcíliame with Jesus, your divine Son, keep me in His grace and assist me in my last agony, so that I may meet in Heaven with the Son.
Anthem - Stabat Mater
Given the horrid Madero
Calvary's mournful,
Along the Son of Thy love,
Poor Mother saddened!
Transfer your weary soul
A sword of sorrow.
How sad, how sorrowful
See Cruz rough slope
The beloved of your being!
Seeing Christ in torment,
You felt the suffering
From his bitter suffering.
Who should not cry
Contemplating the agony
Passion of Mary before?
Will a human heart
That did not share brother
So deep transfixion?
Beaten, mocked,
He saw his beloved Christ
Torture as cruel,
For the weight of sin
From his heartless people
He paid his spirit Him
Sweet Mother, mistress source
Make my fervent spirit
And make my heart like
At thy so fervent
That the good Jesus pious
Surrender your brotherly love.
Oh Holy Mother, in my life
Make reborn each wound
From my beloved Savior,
You feel his pain,
Mortal suffering his sentence
And his redemptive death.
A mine unite your tears,
Mourn for my king as pious
Every day of my existence:
Contigo honor his Calvary,
Make my soul his sanctuary,
Mother, I want to ask.
Blessed Virgin,
Of all predestined,
Unitholder in your sorrow
I want to be my whole life,
Jesus' death austere
I carry in my chest.
His stripes in my printed,
With Blood from his wounds
Saturate my heart
And save me the torture,
Oh Mother on the day of judgment
I find no condemnation.
Jesus, that my hour to arrive,
Be my advocate Mary,
Your Cross my palm triumphal
And while my body ends
My soul your goodness praise
In your heavenly kingdom.
Amen, Hallelujah.
Father, You wanted the mother of your Son, full of compassion, was at the Cross where He was glorified. Grant that your Church, which shares the passion of Christ, share in his Resurrection. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.

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