martes, 25 de diciembre de 2012


Secrets to a good death

Whoever goes wrong, just wrong.

It is a popular saying: "Whoever goes wrong, just wrong." And this applies to the life of each one of the men on earth, because the tree usually falls to the side that is tilted. And if we have a disordered life course ending in disarray today, with the serious possibility of falling into Hell forever.

So we must try to live well, in God's grace, ever, that our death is serene and happy, without anguish and terrors. Certainly there are cases where many men, after a life of sin, at the last moment have turned to God and have been saved. This happened to the Good Thief, who had a lifetime away from God and became the last moment and was saved. But we can not place our hope that we will have time to change before death, so we live in God's grace always to have a good death.

We all have to go through the ordeal of death, because death was not created by God, but she entered the world of sin, of the devil, and now all men must die.

Since this is a great truth and that we can not escape death, we need to be sensible and think about it, to face it in the best way possible when we arrive.

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