domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

The Fathers of the Church enlighten us
"Christ gave us the new commandment to love as He loved us. This renews love for new men, heirs of the New Testament and singing the new song. This love, dear brothers, renewed and then the righteous of old, to the patriarchs and prophets, as renewed after the apostles, and is now also renews all nations and that of all mankind, spread throughout the world, form and brings a new people, the new body Wife of God's only begotten Son, which is said in the Song of Songs: Who is this coming up white? (Ct 8,5). White, yes, because it is updated and. By whom but by the new mandate? Therefore it the members serve each other, and if one member suffers, the others suffer with him, and if one member is honored, all rejoice with it members.
[They] hear and observe the new commandment I give you, to love one another, not as you love men as men, but as they love to be gods and sons of the Most High all, (Psalm 81.6) for are siblings of his only Son, loving each other with the love with which He loved them, to lead them to that end they sate and satisfy all your desires. Then, when God is all in all things (1 Cor 15:28), there will be nothing to be desired. This end has no end. Nobody dies there where no one comes without dying before this world, not with the death common to all, namely the separation of the soul from the body, but with the death of the righteous, by which, while remaining in mortal flesh, is heart placed up there.
From this death the Apostle said: You are dead and your life is hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:3). And perhaps for this reason it is said love is strong as death (8:6). This love makes even die for this world when we are in this mortal flesh, and our life is hidden with Christ in God, even more, the same love is our death to the world and our life with God. For if death is the departure of the soul from the body, how not to be death when the world comes to our love? Strong as death is love. What could be stronger than that with which overcomes the world. "
P. Max Alexander

Good Weekend

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