martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Want to be our pastor, Lord?

Thank you, Lord, for leading to peaceful valleys,
my soul, and my heart, when Ti
need some peace and quiet.

Thank you, Lord, for I am one of you.
Because I am no more or less important than others.
Because, even though a friend of yours,
way with many of my brothers
to meet you and see you every day closer.
Will you let me, Lord, to follow?
Do you accept me despite wander from your ways?
Do you love me even knowing that I get distracted
with other grasses and drink from other sources?

Thank you, Lord, take me as I am.
Because You Good Shepherd, cheer the healthy,
but also pick and hope the injured
Because who can ride push itself
and charges, on your shoulders, which can not
or unwilling to move, exhausted or disillusioned.
Would you, Lord, know?
Do you, Lord, my heart confused and troubled?

Look, Lord, still being of yours,
even though sheep of your flock,
with my words and actions
Sometimes I have the feeling to disperse
what You, with provident hand and patiently,
join in love, life and charity.
Will you let me, Lord, to know?

Today, Lord, I confess that I want to follow.
I want to be part of your team.
That, far from being a sheep,
I want to have the judgment that comes from the gospel.
I want to get carried away by the Grace of God,
so I will not drag the winds of the world.

Today, Lord, the Good Shepherd of my existence,
I want to thank you because you give your life for me.
For unto Thee I can not hide.
Because you respect my freedom to follow.
Because your voice is powerful, clear and unique.

Thank you, Lord, for You, Good Shepherd,
know better than I
what, for my days
I more or less agree.

P. Javier Leoz

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