Message confidence
Do not worry about the future
God provides our needs. "Therefore do not worry," says the Lord.
What is the exact meaning of this advice?
Why obey the direction of the Master, we must be completely negligent in the care of temporal matters?
No doubt that grace may ask, sometimes, certain souls, the sacrifice of strict poverty and total abandonment to Providence. It is necessary to mention, however, of what they are rare these vocations. Everyone else, religious communities or individuals have assets they must manage them wisely.
The Holy Spirit praises strong women who knew how to rule his house. In the Book of Proverbs shows us getting up early for the servants to distribute the daily task and also working with their own hands. Nothing escapes his vigilance. Your people have nothing to fear: find all thanks to his foresight, as needed, nice and even some moderate luxury. Her children proclaim blessed and her husband extols the virtues.
Truth does not have so magnificently praised that woman, if she had not done his duty.
We grieve, but reasonably minding chores, let us not dominate the future prospects bleak anguish and count, without hesitation, with the aid of Providence.
None of illusions and trust is a big strength of soul. We have to avoid double hurdle: lack and excess. One who, through negligence, is uninterested in their business obligations and can not, without tempting God, expect an exceptional aid of Heaven. He who gives to the material concerns the top of their concerns, one that has less to God himself, he deceives even more crassly, so robs the Almighty the place that rightfully fits into our lives.
"In medio stat virtus" between these two extremes is a duty.
If we take care of our interests wisely, grief for the future will be through ignorance and contempt of the power and goodness of God.
During the many years in which St. Paul the Hermit, lived in the desert, a raven brought him every day, half a loaf. Well, it happened that San Antonio was to visit the illustrious solo. They talked at length the two saints, forgotten in his pious meditations of the need for food. Thought of them, however, Providence: the raven came, as usual, but this time bringing the whole loaf! The Father created the whole universe with a single word could perhaps be hard help their children in the hour of need?
St. Camillus de Lellis had borrowed to help the sick poor. The monks were alarmed. "He never should doubt of Providence", he told the saint to reassure them. Is it difficult to Our Lord give us some of those goods with which filled the Jews and the Turks, enemies each other in our faith. " Camilo's confidence was not misplaced, one month later, one of his protectors bequeathed at death, a considerable sum.
Grieving the future is mistrust that offends God and provokes his wrath.
When the Hebrews fled Egypt, they were lost in the sands of the desert, they forgot the miracles that the Lord had done for him. They were afraid, murmured: "Will not God furnish a table in the wilderness?" "Can he give bread and put a table to his people?" Those words angered the Lord. Launched against them the fire of heaven. His anger fell on Israel, "they did not believe in God or salvation He waited for"
Nothing useless afflictions: the Father watches over us.
(From "The Book of Confidence", Thomas P. Raymond of Saint Laurent)
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