viernes, 7 de junio de 2013

Microsection REDEMPTION

Life of Jesus:
In the beginning of the life of a human being is first to form the heart. Also Our Lord in the womb of Mary Most Holy, started as barely beating Corazoncito. And beat with love for men, for all men, whom He came to save from the clutches of Satan.
The whole life of Jesus was a revelation of His Sacred Heart, that is, of his love, because the heart is the seat of love, and the Heart of Jesus is the center of God's love.
Blessed Jesus who in life could, as San Juan Evangelista, lay his head on the chest of the Lord, and hear the melodious beats of love that most loving Heart!
But blessed are we who live in this time, because we have at our disposal the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus present in the consecrated hosts in the tabernacles of the churches, and we receive in Holy Communion.
God gives us his heart in communion. What more could the Lord for us? Do we take advantage this Don, going to Communion as often as we can, and visiting Jesus in the tabernacles of the churches?
If all members of Jesus suffered in his passion, we can say without a doubt, it was his sacred heart the body that suffered, not only by the huge effort, but moral weight, sadness, betrayal, heartbreak.
Poor Heart of Jesus! Do we think a bit about what has suffered the most loving Heart, who wanted us to save all men, but they also knew that for many, many men, the sacrifice would be useless?
Tremendous is going to meet the pain and most atrocious death, knowing it would be useless for much of humanity.
Consolemos this Heart and let us enter into the mystery of pain and love of God for men.
God made everything. Jesus gave to the last drop of blood on the cross. Because the death of the Lord, a soldier pierced his side, opening a wound in the Heart of Jesus, from which sprang the last blood, thereby implying that God has not saved anything for him, but in his Son has given all men.
That wound of the Heart of Jesus, has been open for our good, because through it, men now have access to God's love. The wound of the Heart of Christ is the door of Heaven, is the entrance to divinity, because since that Sacred Heart was opened by a lance, now man, if he wants, can become God, certainly not by nature, but by participation.
And think of Mary, the pain caused to her Immaculate Heart, to see the Heart of your Son opened by the lance.
When Jesus rose, wanted to preserve their sacred wounds, for men to go to them to find all the graces we need to either pass the test of life on earth. But there are few who repaired it, the Lord has wanted to keep the wound in his side, that is, it has left open the Sacred Heart, now full of light and gifts, that we take refuge in Him
If we want to live and now Paradise on earth, we have only to take refuge in the glorious and risen Heart of Jesus, whose front door was opened by the spear of Longinus.
That Heart resurrected once we receive each commune, because Communion is the very Heart of Jesus given to us as food.
And here we return to the beginning, because Christ be formed in us, and Christ begins to form the heart, as it did in the womb of Mary. So often comulguemos for Christ to engender in us and we become other Christs.

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