jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Signs of the times


One of the signs of the times more clearly indicate that man has lost its way, who does not know what is in this world or where it is going, is materialism prevailing in the nation, and also within the Church.

Indeed many live concerned only with the material, for the money, and so appreciate only what is bought with money.

This is a clear sign that the man has less in his person, because no transcendent values ​​is concerned, but only strives for material wealth, to buy material goods that make life more comfortable, but no more happy because true happiness is inside of man and can not be found in created things, but in God and the things of God.

Without realizing it is sealing the Antichrist and his servants with his stamp on the right hand and forehead, ie making people fall under their power because they seek only money, and with the mind and the activity at the service the hoard and have increasingly casually to Christian charity or spiritual things of God.

Let us be careful that we're not being sealed by the beast, but we use the wealth for our own good and that of others, and it depends on our temporal and eternal destiny. You can not serve God and mammon.

Come, Lord Jesus!

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