Teaching the Gospel
Good foundation.
Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house upon a rock: the rain descended, the floods came, the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, it was founded on rock. (Mt 7: 24-25).
In the life of every man there is a test that expects to manifest, as if all human life on earth is testing time, it is also true that at times this test becomes greater. This is what Jesus called his "hour", and all the men we get our "hour", when it seems that we overcome evil and that everything is complicated.
This is referred to the Lord in this passage, saying that when everything gets tough in our lives, we can hold well in the faith and in the grace of God, if we practiced the word of Jesus, that is if we lived well Gospel. Then evil can not do us any harm.
While we have the time at our disposal, we must strive to live the gospel, so that when our "time", we are well grounded in the faith consistent, and so the storm pass over, without destroying.
We played a lot on this and why Jesus wants us to realize that if we keep the Word of God, more than anything we antagonize, come out winners in time and, above all, in eternity.
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