The yoke of the Lord is bearable
I. Jesus tells us in the Gospel of the Mass: Come to me all who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11, 28-30). The heaviest burdens of men are sins in Confession frees us through the forgiveness of the same, because even venial sins, overwhelm and oppress. In this sacrament we leave restored, ready to fight again full of peace. The Lord, in exchange for these burdens of sin, pride, lack of generosity ... invites us to share his yoke. It is a sweet burden that part of the Cross that we have to carry each. Together with Christ, the difficulties we encounter in life take on a different meaning. Instead of being "our cross" become the Cross of Christ with whom corredimimos, purified grow our faults and virtues. The road closely follows the footsteps of Christ is full of joy, optimism and peace, even if we are always close to the Cross.
II. While we are on earth we have difficulties as normal. San Pedro and warned the early Christians: Beloved, when God will try the fire of tribulation, not strange concerning what happened unto you as if something very extraordinary (1 P 4, 12). The Lord often allows the contradiction comes on those who most want to bear more fruit still: and every branch that attached to the vine gives more fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit (John 15, 2). But Jesus never leaves us alone, Jesus is always with yours, especially when more weight is life. If you ever run into a setback bigger, so the Lord will give us a greater grace.
III. The Lord only goods reach us. When you allow the pain, the disappointment, family or financial problems, is that you want something better for us. One day, Santa Teresa in the middle of a catastrophe he claimed the Master: "Lord, among so much damage and this is me!" And Jesus answered him, "Teresa and I treated my friends". And the Lord, full of wit and love, he replied: "Oh, Lord, why have so few!" (M. AUCLAIR, The Life of St. Teresa) Lord wants to relocate the contradictions in peace, vigor, with joy and confidence in him as did the saints, with simplicity and humility to not invent problems and pain: we are children of God, we will never lack the grace to cope with the greater good. In the midst of difficulties, with great trust in the Lord, also let us go to Santa Maria, refugium nostrum et virtus, refuge and our strength, and what seemed so expensive we will be more bearable
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