miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013


a reflection

Key to the miracle.

With the miracle that Jesus performed at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, at the request of his Virgin Mother, we would say that Mary is always the key to the miracle. So we have to go to the Virgin if we get everything from God, because She is the Almighty Supplicant and all he asks the Lord, it gets.

These days it seems that the devil has conquered all, we need to go back with confidence to Mary, and prayers to ask you to save the world, to save the souls of sinners, all of us, because humanity is in danger lost, self-destruct and it is Mary who can stop the course of events, as many times as he has.

So do not let a single day pass without praying the rosary, the prayer for Mary feels a great predilection, and which gives all to whom the offer of heart.

Pray the Rosary if we get a miracle to this world, and that Mary change sadness into joy, because Satan is the one who is now reigning in the world, with a realm of suffering and bitterness, and it must be Christ who reigns, and he will reign if his first queen Mother, and She will reign if they go up to Heaven a lot of good Rosaries prayed.

While Mary is the beneficent world, it is also true that our beneficent She is single, and with confidence we should approach her ​​and ask what we need, as we do with our mother earth, as the Virgin did not deny anything.

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