miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

Evangelio del día...

miércoles 27/JUN/12

Evangelio del día 

Mt 7, 15-20. 
Falsos profetas. 
Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: Tengan cuidado de los falsos profetas, que se presentan cubiertos con pieles de ovejas, pero por dentro son lobos rapaces. Por sus frutos los reconocerán. ¿Acaso se recogen uvas de los espinos o higos de los cardos? Así, todo árbol bueno produce frutos buenos y todo árbol malo produce frutos malos. Un árbol bueno no puede producir frutos malos, ni un árbol malo, producir frutos buenos. Al árbol que no produce frutos buenos se lo corta y se lo arroja al fuego. Por sus frutos, entonces, ustedes los reconocerán. 
A una persona se la puede reconocer por los frutos que produce, no para juzgarla y condenarla, sino para tomar distancia y precavernos de ella porque su doctrina nos puede hacer mucho mal. Por eso es esencial que el obrar de una persona sea bueno, y eso indicará que la doctrina que tiene dicha persona es buena. Hoy abundan los falsos profetas que dicen cosas dulces pero cuyo obrar es amargo y nocivo. ¿Y nosotros? ¿Somos de frutos dulces y buenos? Pongamos todo el empeño en obrar de acuerdo al Evangelio que predicamos con la palabra, pues de lo contrario seremos también falsos profetas que arrastraremos al mal antes que al bien.
Pidámosle a María Santísima la gracia de entender que lo importante es lo que obramos, ya que obras son amores y no buenas razones.
Jesús, María, os amo, salvad las almas.

Catholic life...

Catholic Life

You can not love what is not known. So how do people pretend to love God, if you do not know if anyone has explained how God is, how good it is?
We, all Catholics, who have to make known to God to others, but first we must know us, because we can not transmit knowledge and love of God, but we have it in us, because nobody can give what does not have.
Sometimes we do not encourage you to evangelize, to do ministry, and it's because we're not sure of what we know, or give us a little embarrassed and human respect.
We do not have at all times and all people, quoting from the Bible or preaching, but we can also exercise the apostolate of the smile, good side to everyone, of being helpful to others, and why Why not? occasionally dropping a word that leads to faith, love of God.
"What you do shouts so loudly that will not let me hear what you say." Very true, and to be apostles and evangelists, first we must live what we want to communicate to others. It is also true that if we expect to be perfect to go out and evangelize, then there never evangelize.
Should be encouraged and start, that with good will and a little or quite valuable, God help us and get wonderful fruit as God writes straight with crooked lines.
There are many people who no one has spoken of God, the love that I have the Lord, and therefore need to tell them about us. If you have good will, be converted and saved.
Try to take the test this week, with any person, speaking as a passing word of the Lord or giving good advice of salvation, and we realize that, besides not that hard, the fruits are unthinkable, because sometimes it happens that the receiver jaw-dropping for their responses, their willingness and desire the things of God.
Let's try, but not before having prayed something for this mission will begin today.