jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

Spiritual childhood...

spiritual childhood

Guide us.

Children, when little ones are, the more they need the guidance of their parents to walk and not stumble. And we who want to be children in the spiritual life, we also need a guide to walk on the path of holiness. This guide is God himself, and his mother, and they guide us through the top. So it would be good that we have a spiritual director, we will indicate the will of God and secure in the way. For whoever wants to do his own will, ends by becoming a disciple of a fool, ie himself.

As children need guidance, so we also need spiritual guides that lead us directly to the Heart of God and help us avoid the dangers that lurk in the way that leads to Heaven.

Recall that we fight spiritual beings that are far superior to us in intelligence, demons, and also hate us furiously. So we would be in great danger if we go by ourselves, without having a good counselor and guide.

Pray to God for a spiritual guide assigned to us by heart, and when they have designated, obedezcámosle at all because as it is written: "The obedient man sing victory."

And we see when children obey their parents and want to walk their way, often stumble and hurt themselves, sometimes irreparable. We must also move this to the spiritual life and try to be obedient children of our spiritual directors.