viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Never be late, brothers...

Never be late, brothers

For, after life,
dotted with obstacles and surprises,
wait for the final time,
where, what we did not understand, we will see,
where, what we reached not,
with our own eyes what contemplate.

Never be late brothers.
For ye are parents,
receive the embrace of who is Father,
and reward the labors of your children
the hand of those who, putting love,
enseñasteis and you did the best of yourself.

Never be late brothers.
For those who, being young or children,
death will cut without notice.
For those taking the life ahead,
silence and absurdity,
I departed forever from our eyes.
Do not be late because, in the sky,
you will be forever young,
was young and died as Jesus Christ himself.
Do not be late because, in the sky,
Children will enjoy being a Mother
that welcomes, with motherly love,
those who go for love and lap.

Never be late brothers.
Friends and consecrated, priests and religious,
sick workers, anonymous and forgotten ...
Because, God, far from forgetting ... always remember,
with name,
the tracks, passing through this land,
all we leave in the thousand pathways.
Do not be late for those who, being heralds,
preached what we celebrate today:
Life over death ... God defeating evil.
Never too late, when the time comes,
to embrace with eternal embrace,
a huge smile in eternal joy,
to live a life that will not cease,
to enjoy an eternal party in heaven.
Never, we believe, will be late,
for, after death, uncover the veil
which takes us back to the place where everything is eternal joy.

P. Javier Leoz