jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012


Why look to God?

What seek you?
I was wondering ...
What do I get to follow you?
I was questioning ...
Why I do your will?
I replied ...

And today, being alone and thousands
above problems,
Today when I thought my friends
I have left,
but just today when I feel,
and I am busy
come to my mind the answers
to these questions, for in
problems, no matter how
I have failed you, you are still strong with me.

And between the fatigue
I feel your arms hold me.
And amidst the bustle of every day
and the problems that beset me,
I hear your sweet voice whisper in my ear ...
"Quiet, I'm with you"

And now I realize that all
worthwhile, and that those doubts
were but traps of my enemy
to keep your comfort, your peace, your company.

Thank you Lord that despite all
my doubts, I received in your breast,
and if you questioned,
you said smiling:
"Quiet, now reach one of those days."