viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012


Friday 17/AGO/12
Gospel of the Day

Mt 19, 3-12.

In the beginning.

Were some Pharisees came to Jesus and, to test him, he said: "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any cause?". He replied: "Have not you read that the Creator from the beginning 'made them male and female', and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and two become one flesh '? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Let no man separate what God has joined. " He replied: "Then why did Moses command divorce deliver a statement when one is separated?". He replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce his wife, because of the hardness of your hearts, but at first was not. So I say: He who divorces his wife, except in case of illegal marriage, and marries another commits adultery. " His disciples said: "If this is the situation of man in relation to his wife, not to marry." He answered: "Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given. Indeed, some do not marry, because they were born helpless breast of his mother, others because they were castrated by men, and there are others who decided not to marry because of the kingdom of heaven. He who can understand, you understand! ".


One of the sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of today is: "From the beginning it was not so." With this the Lord gives a confirmation that the creation of man is as Genesis tells us, meaning that we come from a man, Adam, and a woman, Eve, who were created perfect, but then fell from that state by sin. And this we must take into account that in these times it is said everywhere that man descended from something like a monkey and thrown overboard Truth of Creation of our first parents, Adam and Eve. So we must stand for truth and condemn the error of Darwinism and similar theories.

Let us ask the Blessed Virgin the grace to recognize our dignity as children of God, as we descend two perfect beings, but decayed in sin, not monkeys.

Jesus, Mary, I love you, save souls.

be yourself...

Be yourself

Simple statement but with a lot of sense,
although we find excel
and become better, we can not always be
dissatisfied and looking for our own
defects only achacarlos
ourselves, if we do
must be to be better every day.

Many want to be like this or that person,
so you go through life unhappy and sad,
they can not be someone else.

You can learn from each other and admire
his good qualities, but if you are willing
be someone else, rob the world of that
wonderful contribution you can give yourself.

Do not you guide by this plastic world
and stereotypes in which we live, look at all
and stay with the good, not like those who want
be others and not themselves.