miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012

Signs of the time...

Signs of the Times


As we approach the great events of the end times, increasing the suffering for all, because in the crucible of suffering ever experienced before mankind reborn to new life, after having passed the awful trial awaits you now .

We are in what is called the "Great Tribulation", and while this great tribulation the lives every man in this world, for all human life is a great tribulation, it is also true that we are now collectively in the Great Tribulation, where the power of evil will reach its peak until the Virgin crush, with the power of God, Satan and all his followers. But while this is shaping up, get older suffering for all. Suffer not experienced by men, because the grain of wheat must fall to the ground and die to give new life.

We see that many people who do not have an exemplary life, but scandalous for them and they apparently have no suffering. What happens is that they are agents of evil, and this prevents them suffer in this world, while the good makes them suffer greatly. What happens is that the first will have to torment in Hell for all eternity and so in this world of pain rescues, but it comes in good, which makes them suffer in a thousand ways.

It's time to give ourselves to Mary, that we consecrate ourselves to her Immaculate Heart, because times will be increasingly difficult and hard, and we need the maternal comfort of Mary.

Come Lord Jesus!