sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

Teaching the Gospel

Act pleasing to God.

Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you, depart from me, you evildoers ! '. (Mt 7: 22-23).

With these words the Lord wants us to realize that not enough miracles and cast out demons to save, but you have to fulfill the will of God, the Ten Commandments, because too many priests do great miracles, as we celebrate the Mass, are performing the exorcism and transubstanciando more bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus.No miracles greater than these! And yet, it is a sad truth that the end of the world, on the Day of Judgment, many priests will be expelled into the outer darkness, because they were, with a pious and holy life, to live up to its mission and betrayed Christ, even though they have worked miracles. These priests also prophesied in the name of Jesus, because when they talk in the homily, are proclaiming Christ, and that's prophesy. But not a few priests will be judged very harshly because by their bad example dragged many into perdition.
This is also for the laity, sometimes we talk a lot about God and the things of God, but in practice do not deliver what we say we believe.
So this says the Lord for all Catholics, and even non-Catholics, Christians of other faiths, who do not always act according to the commandments.
The important thing is to keep the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel. If moreover do miracles or wonders, and evangelizing preaching the Lord, so be it. But first and what will save us is to do the will of God.