sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

Creaciones del Señor...

Words of Jesús...

Words of Jesus

Take care of the heart.

You brood of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? Because of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. (Mt 12, 34).


God sees the heart of man, so we take care of our heart rather than the outward appearance, because the men can cheat, but do not deceive God, for He scrutinizes to the depths of the human heart and soul.

Thus, knowing these things, we will always act well, guarding our hearts within us, to be pure and pleasing to the Lord, and so the works and the words that come to us, will be good, because our interior will be good.

But there are false they have an evil heart, and yet pious and apparently speak good things, and thus try to deceive men, to gain his benevolence. But God does not deceive, and have a very rigorous judgment.

So what we must do first is to purify and sanitize inside us, our heart, because otherwise we will be like those Pharisees who purified the glass on the outside but inside they were full of evil. We must also begin to purify our inner, and then the outside also will be clean and pure.