jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

[MV] Ngày Vắng Anh - Bảo Thy

Partículas del Evangelio...

Partículas de Evangelio

Lo recibido. 
Es también como un hombre que, al ausentarse, llamó a sus siervos y les encomendó su hacienda: a uno dio cien talentos, a otro dos y a otro uno, a cada cual según su capacidad; y se ausentó. (Mt 25, 14-15). 
Todos los hombres, absolutamente todos los hombres hemos recibido dones, gracias y talentos de parte del Señor, cada uno según su capacidad y proporción. Como al Señor le ha parecido, ha distribuido gracias y capacidades que el hombre deberá saber descubrir en el transcurso de su vida, y deberá emplearlas en la obtención de su propia salvación y la salvación de muchos hermanos suyos.
Así, cada uno debe hacer producir los talentos que Dios le ha dado, con el fin de acrecentar el número de los hijos de Dios, de los que se salvan, porque si bien Dios es todopoderoso y no necesita de nada ni de nadie, sin embargo, ha querido “necesitar” del hombre, de todos los hombres, para que le ayuden en la salvación de la humanidad y en la instauración del Reino de Dios en el mundo.
Por eso ninguno de nosotros está exceptuado de trabajar en la viña del Señor, haciendo todo lo que está a nuestro alcance y producir frutos, pues la gloria de Dios está en que demos frutos abundantes y sabrosos.
Jesús, María, os amo, salvad las almas.


Friends ...

Says a book of the Bible not well known,
Sirach or Ecclesiasticus, which
"A faithful friend is safe refuge, that is,
has found a treasure "(Sirach 6:14).
And it's true. The friend is like "my double", shelter,
encouragement and constant companion of life.

A life without friends is an empty life.
They say you have friends you deserve.
Partly yes and partly no, but no doubt
you only have friends who are able
to maintain a friendship.
Children have no difficulty in playing and fighting
(his particular way of making friends)
with the first child presented to them in the park.

But as we grow in life
we realize that keeping
a friendship takes time and effort.

Friendship is not programmed or planned,
arises almost by accident.
But there is a time when calls
that feed it, if it ends up dying.
Requires treatment, the growth in confidence,
acceptance of a friend as it is.
Those who are friends want to be together.

In many busy life we lead,
is important to spend time with friends,
is not wasted time.
A deep friendship cultivated with care
for years and years produces much satisfaction.
As good sources of the Sierra de Alcaraz,
gives you the same fresh water always
when you find after a while.

Friendship often must pass the test.
It may be a temptation to distrust
or betrayal by a misunderstanding or a mistake.
When the maximum and, if necessary, apologizes
and accepted, the friendship is strengthened.
There is no friendship without forgiveness, as there
no marriage without forgiveness.

Breaking a friendship is heart breaking.
It hurts. So you should never break
a strong friendship. In any case,
if there is no choice, go as "unraveling"
little by little, without tears,
careful not to hurt.

Sacred Heart...

Thinking about the Sacred Heart


"Then I said, that the pleasure it takes in being loved, known and honored of the creatures is so great that I promised, if I mistake not, that have been dedicated and consecrated to Him shall never perish, that being She source of all blessings, shared with flow in all areas where there are and venerate the image of His Divine Heart, which will bring together the divided families and protect and assist those that are seen in some need and come to Him with confidence, that the soft pour anointing of his charity on all the communities that honor and put him under his special protection, that will divert the blows of divine justice and restored to grace, when it HAVE fallen. "

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Promises made by the Sacred Heart of Jesus who was devoted to him and spreading this devotion and worships are really fantastic, because it is God himself who promises, and we know that God can not deceive nor be deceived. He will be faithful to each and every one of the promises, and those who work to spread the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, soon to be free from harm, because Sacred Heart of Jesus will defense even against the righteous wrath of the Father, and comfort in every adversity and work.
We, we waste so much time on useless frivolities and pastimes, why not start today to spread this devotion to the Heart of Jesus? Because the promises and benefits that fall on us and our loved ones are priceless.
We poor creatures in need of everything, and so miserable, why do not we go to the Fountain of Mercy, the Hidden Treasure of the Heart of Christ, and we make many brothers also go to him? If you do this then we taste and paradise on earth, and our death will be peaceful and happy, because as the Lord himself has promised, He is our refuge in that last fight.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You.