miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

hola a todas mis amistades...
felíz miércoles y deseos de muchas bendiciones...
están en mi corazón y en mis pensamientos...
y son mi companía de todos los días...

hello to all my friends ...
happy Wednesday and desires of many blessings ...
are in my heart and in my thoughts ...
and my company are everyday ...

By their fruits ye shall know

I. The Lord repeatedly insists on the danger of false prophets, who lead many to spiritual ruin (Matthew 24, 11). In the Old Testament also refers to these bad shepherds who wreak havoc on the people of God (Jeremiah 23, 9-40). Soon also appeared within the Church. St. Paul calls false brethren and false apostles (St. Paul 2, 44, 2 Corinthians 11, 26, 1 Corinthians 11, 13), and warns the early Christians to be saved from them. St. Peter calls false teachers (2 Peter 2, 1). Nowadays teachers have also proliferated of error has been abundant sowing bad seeds, and have caused confusion and ruin for many. The Lord tells us that both the true and the false apostles know them by their fruits, the preachers of false doctrines and reforms will entail not only fruitful trunk disunity of the Church and the confusion and ruin of souls.

II. Healthy trees give good fruit. And the tree is healthy when he sap runs good. The sap of the Christian is the very life of Christ, personal holiness, you can not replace with anything else. So we should not separate us from Him In dealing with Jesus we learn to be effective, to be happy, to understand, to love truly, to be ultimately good Christians. The life of union with Christ necessarily transcends the Christian individual for the benefit of others: hence arises the apostolic, since "the apostolate, of whatever kind, is an overabundance of inner life" (J. Escriva, Friends of God). If you neglect this deep union with God, our apostolic effectiveness should fall to be zero, and the fruit would become bitter, unworthy to be presented to the Lord.

III. Just as the man who excludes God from his life becomes diseased tree with bad fruit, the company seeks to evict God from their customs and laws produces countless evils and serious damage to the citizens within it. The phenomenon of secularism seeks to supplant morality based on transcendent principles, ideals and standards by merely human behavior, which end up being subhuman. Man and dehumanize society when they have God as loving Father who gives conservation laws of human nature and for people to find their own dignity and achieve the purpose for which they were created. Faced with such bitter fruit, Christians should be salt and light wherever we are. By the grace of God and the intercession of St. Joseph, we give abundant fruit if our life is informed by the light of Christ.