jueves, 12 de julio de 2012


Ser santos
Pequeñas cosas.
Hay que ser fieles en las pequeñas cosas de todos los días, y así estaremos preparados para cuando el Señor nos quiera encomendar cosas grandes. Así actuó la Virgen, que como lo narra el Evangelio en la anunciación, no sabía que Ella era la elegida de Dios para ser la Madre del Verbo. Pero ¡cuánta fidelidad en María desde pequeñita! Ella entró en el Templo desde chica, y fue fiel en todas las cosas, como una niña más, como una joven más, y siempre esa fidelidad a las cosas ordinarias de cada día, la fueron preparando para decir ese “Sí” sublime que dio al Arcángel San Gabriel, y por él a Dios.
También nosotros tenemos que tomar su ejemplo, porque Dios seguramente nos ha elegido para ser grandes en su reino, para ser santos, que es lo más grande que uno puede ser en este mundo y en el venidero. Pero para ello debemos ejercitarnos en hacer las cosas comunes de cada día, con mucho amor a Dios y al prójimo, y entonces nos iremos preparando a dar ese “sí” como lo dio María, como lo dio Jesús. Porque también Jesús se preparó a su misión grandiosa con la vida común en la casa paterna, junto a su familia, en el trabajo, en las cosas cotidianas.
Dios no busca cosas extraordinarias, sino que Él quiere manifestarse en lo ordinario. ¿No nació el Hijo de Dios en un pobre portal? ¿Y no vivió treinta años en el trabajo y en la vida común? E incluso en su vida pública, ¡qué sencillez en la actuación de Jesús, sin humillar a nadie, siempre siendo humilde en todo!
Hay una palabra en el Evangelio que siempre, pero siempre debemos tener presente. Y es esa que dice: “Quien sea fiel en lo poco, será fiel en lo mucho. Y quien es infiel en lo poco, también será infiel en lo mucho”. No podremos pretender ser fieles en las grandes misiones que Dios nos confíe, si no hemos sabido ser fieles en todo, a las pequeñas misiones de todos los días, en nuestro cumplimiento del deber.
Recordemos que las cosas bien preparadas, salen bien. En cambio lo que no se prepara bien, no sale nada bien. Preparémonos entonces con pequeñas cosas, a hacer grandes cosas cuando llegue el momento, cuando llegue la hora de Dios, nuestra hora.

Gospel of the day...

Thursday 12/JUL/12
Gospel of the day

Mt 10, 7-15.

All apostles.

Jesus sent his twelve apostles, saying: By the way, proclaim that the kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. You have received freely, give without pay. Do not bring up gold or silver or coins or provisions for the journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor staff: for the laborer is worthy livelihood. When you enter a city or a town, find someone respectable and stay at home until they leave. Upon entering the house, invoking peace Say hello on it. If that house deserves it, that peace be upon her, but if unworthy, that peace return to you. And if you do not receive or want to hear his words, to leave that house or that city, shake off the dust of his feet. I assure you, on the day of Judgment, Sodom and Gomorrah will be treated less severely than that city.


Jesus today also sent us Catholics to evangelize, proclaiming that the Kingdom of God is near, because after a great tribulation that will experience the world, the Kingdom of God come to earth.

So we invite all people to conversion, before it is too late. "Fear God happens," says Scripture, and God passes through our lives we must follow.

The same must instill in the men who follow Jesus, because at some point there will be no longer and that has to happen will happen.

This is not to frighten, but to be prepared and have in mind that we are not made for the land but for Heaven, that our country is the ultimate paradise, and everything down here is fleeting and we must help get to Heaven is, and should not be an obstacle to that end.

The life of man on earth is like a waiting room to enter into eternity, and what we do in life prepares us an eternity of happiness or torment.

We can not stay quiet because on the day of judgment many of our brothers we could complain: "What!, Do you know and I do not say anything?"

So hand in hand of the Virgin and trust in her and in God, evangelize our brothers, whether the word or, more importantly, with our Christian way of life.

Let us ask Our Lady's grace be available for God to use us as instruments of salvation in this hour the world is experiencing very serious.

Jesus, Mary, I love you, save souls.


Prayer of the five fingers

                                      HERE YOU SEND AN ECUMENICAL PRAYER LINDA (all religions) of Monsignor BERGOGLIO.

                                      IT'S SIMPLE BUT COMPLETE. (perhaps already know)


                                         A PRAYER FOR EACH FINGER

1.The thumb is nearest you. So start praying for those who are closest to you. They are the easiest people to remember. Pray for our loved ones is a "sweet duty"

2.The next finger is the index. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, teachers, doctors and priests. They need support and wisdom to indicate the correct direction to others. Keep them in your prayers always present.

3. The next finger is the tallest. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the president, congressmen, businessmen, and managers. These people direct the destinies of our nation and guide public opinion .. They need God's guidance.

4.The fourth finger is our ring finger. Although many were surprised, it is our weakest finger, as you can tell any piano teacher. Should remind us to pray for the weakest, with many problems or prostrated by disease. They need your prayers day and night. Never be too much to pray for them. You should also invite us to pray for marriages.

5.Y finally is our little finger, the smallest of all the fingers, which is how we see ourselves before God and others. As the Bible says "the last shall be first." Your pinkie should remind you to pray for you .. After you've prayed for the other four groups will see your own needs in perspective, and you better pray for yours.