miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013


Firmes en la fe
I. El Evangelio de la Misa (Marcos 10, 32-42) recoge la petición de los hijos de Zebedeo de ocupar los primeros puestos en el nuevo Reino. El resto de los discípulos se indignaron, no por lo insólito de la demanda, sino porque todos se sentían con iguales o mejores derechos que Santiago y Juan para ocuparlos. Jesús conoce la ambición de quienes habrán de ser los cimientos de Su Iglesia, y les dice: "quien quiera ser grande entre vosotros, sea vuestro servidor; y quien entre vosotros quiera ser el primero sea esclavo de todos".
Es un nuevo señorío, y el Señor les demuestra el fundamento de esta nobleza y su razón de ser: "porque el Hijo del Hombre no ha venido a ser servido, sino a servir y a dar Su vida en redención de muchos" A la luz de esta actitud de Cristo se puede reinar sólo sirviendo, a la vez, el servir exige tal madurez espiritual que es necesario definirla como reinar. Necesitamos de la humildad de corazón, la generosidad, la fortaleza, la alegría para poner la vida al servicio de Dios y de los hombres.
II. La vida de Jesús es un incansable servicio a los hombres: los enseña, los conforta, los atiende…, hasta dar la vida. Y nosotros, si queremos ser discípulos de Cristo, debemos fomentar esa disposición del corazón que nos impulsa a darnos constantemente a quienes están a nuestro lado. La última noche, antes de la Pasión, Cristo, ante los discípulos, que discutían por motivos de soberbia y de vanagloria, realizó la tarea propia de los siervos, se inclina y lava sus pies: fustiga amorosamente la falta de generosidad de aquellos hombres. La vida familiar es un excelente lugar para manifestar este espíritu de servicio en multitud de detalles que pasarán frecuentemente inadvertidos, pero que ayudan a fomentar una convivencia grata y amable, en la que está presente Cristo. El Señor nos llama particularmente en los enfermos y en los ancianos, para ayudarlos con humildad y finura humana que apenas se advierten.
III. El Señor sirve con alegría, amablemente, con gesto y tono cordiales. Y así debemos ser nosotros cuando realizamos esos quehaceres que son un servicio a Dios, a la sociedad o a quienes están próximos: Servid al Señor con alegría (Salmo 99, 2), nos dice el Espíritu Santo por boca del Salmista. El Señor promete la felicidad a quienes sirven a los demás. Aquello que entregamos con una sonrisa, con una actitud amable, parece como si adquiriera un valor nuevo y se apreciara también más. Además, para servir, hemos de ser competentes en nuestro trabajo: para servir, servir. Acudamos a San José, servidor fiel y prudente, y con su ayuda veremos en los demás a Jesús y María. Así nos será fácil servirles.

"The Lord of all, we have all been redeemed by the blood of Christ to everyone, not just Catholics. Everyone! 'Father, what about the atheists?'. They too. Everyone! And this blood makes us children of God first class! We are created in God's image children and the blood of Christ has redeemed us all! And we all have a duty to do good. And this commandment to do good all, I think it's a good way to peace. If we, each for their part, do good to others, we will find there, doing good, and do it slowly, slowly, we conducted the meeting that culture: that we need. Finding doing good. 'But I do not think, father, I am an atheist!'. But do good: we are there "...

Rome, May 22, 2013 (Zenit.org) Drafting | 1489 milestones
"Doing good" is a principle that unites all humanity, beyond the diversity of ideologies and religions, and make the game that culture is the foundation of peace. So said today the Pope at Mass this morning at the Casa Santa Marta.

At Mass - Vatican Radio transmitted - concelebrated by Cardinal Bechara Boutros Rai, Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites and attended some employees of the Governorate of Vatican.

Wednesday's Gospel tells of Jesus' disciples that prevent a person outside of your group to do good. "Complain" - said the Pope in his homily - because they say: "If it's not one of us can not do good. Failure is our party, can do good." And Jesus corrects them: "Do not stop him he says, let him do good." "The disciples said Francisco, were somewhat intolerant", closed on the idea of ​​owning the truth, in the belief that " those who do not have the truth, they can do good. "Y" this was wrong ", so that Jesus" broadens the horizon. "

"The origin of this opportunity to do good that we all have," he added, is "in creation".

"The Lord has created us in his image and likeness, and are the image of the Lord, and He does good and we all have at heart the commandment: do good and do no harm. Everyone. 'But, father, this not Catholic! can not do good! '. Yeah, you can. has to. shall not: be! Because it has this command in it.' But, father, this is not a Christian, can not! ' . Yeah, you can. has to. Instead, this stubbornness to not think that you can do good from outside, all is a wall that leads to war and what some have thought in history kill name of God. We can kill in the name of God. And that, simply, is blasphemy. Saying that you can kill in the name of God, is blasphemy. "

"Instead, the Lord - continued the Pope - has created us in his image and likeness and gave us this commandment in the heart: do good and do no evil".

"The Lord of all, we have all been redeemed by the blood of Christ to everyone, not just Catholics. Everyone! 'Father, what about the atheists?'. Them, too. Everyone! And this blood makes us children of God first class! children We are created in the image of God and the blood of Christ has redeemed us all! And we all have a duty to do good. And this commandment to do good all I think it's a good way to peace. If we, each for their part, do good to others, we will find there, doing good, and do it slowly, slowly, we made that culture of the meeting: the we need. Encountering doing good. 'But I do not think, father, I am an atheist!'. But do good: we are there. "

"Doing good" - said the pope - is not a matter of faith, "is a must, is an identity card that the Father has given us all, because it made us in his image and likeness. He does good, forever. "

This completed the pope Francisco: "Today is Saint Rita, patron saint of impossible things, but this seems impossible: let us ask this grace, this grace that all, all, all people do good, and that we are in this work, it is a work of creation, which resembles the Father's creation. A family business, because we are all children of God: all, everyone! And God loves us all! May St Rita grant us this grace , which seems almost impossible. "

Translated from Italian by José Antonio Varela V.