jueves, 26 de julio de 2012


Teachings of the Gospel

No worries.

Do not walk, then worried, saying, What shall we eat?, What shall we drink?, How we dress? That all these things the Gentiles seek: for your heavenly Father knows that they need all that. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given in addition. (Mt 6: 31-33).


The Lord wants us to live without worrying about material things, because God knows that while living in this mortal body, men have need of sustenance, clothing, etc., But He tells us to work for the Kingdom of God in us and extend to the souls and the world, that He promises to give us everything you need and still to spare.

Many times we are lacking in this trust in Divine Providence, and strive to obtain material goods, and much more so in these times when the world is facing an economic crisis, which is largely the result of moral and spiritual crisis humanity.

But it is precisely at this point that we should trust more in God, in His loving Providence. Because it is very easy to trust when things go well, how difficult, and therefore more worthwhile, is to trust God when the water comes to the neck and did not see the horizon.

In this as in all the virtues, we must take the example of the Blessed Virgin, who trusted God in spite of everything, against everything and everyone waited to the end and beyond, and had such great confidence in God that the Lord gave absolutely everything. And is that God wants to give way too much, but we go to God with a very small container, and he can not fill the container with all you have for us. The container, as well what Jesus said to St. Faustina Kowalska, is our trust. If we go to God with little confidence, he can give us very little. Then we go to God with confidence, because God is much easier to give a little, and He will do miracles when necessary, and much else will if you ask his Mother, who was not denied anything . Let's go to Mary and ask fearlessly, boldly, even ask what until now we did not dare to ask, and see the power and goodness of God and the Virgin.

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