domingo, 29 de julio de 2012


Message to the Apostles of the Immaculate

Mission of Our Lady.

Mary's mission is none other than saving souls, and to perform its mission She needs our help, because while the Virgin is omnipotent by grace of God, and needs nothing from us, God does not need anything like ours, they also want to require of us to be his instruments in the salvation of the world.

So we, the Apostles of the Immaculate, our mission is also to save souls, whether through prayer, penance, with the mission or by example.

Just as Jesus told us to take care of his own, that He will take care of ours, Mary also tells us lovingly: "My children, Attend to my honor and my things, my Immaculate Heart will take care of you and your things. "

And this is a promise that no waste because that Mary take care of us and all our stuff is like insurance against all risks, because everything gets Virgin of God, and their children preferred heaped so many favors that seems to be impossible, without considering the almost adoring love of Mary towards her faithful children.

The "things" are the souls of Mary. So we have to work for the salvation of souls, with our whole being, and fretting wearing out on this mission, that she will take care of our own, and then yes we will see what they are miracles.

Holy Mother!

Conceived without sin!

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