domingo, 15 de julio de 2012

Spiritual childhood...

spiritual childhood

Something we must cultivate in ourselves if we are infants in the spiritual life, the joy, because the evidence of life try to hacérnosla lose and a life without joy is very difficult to live.
And how not to lose the joy with the terrible things that happen in the world?
Just know that whatever happens, how terrible it is, is governed by God, and if it has happened, is because God willed it, or at least, has allowed for good.
Then, knowing that God rules all and loves us all and we are happy to retain the joy despite all evidence that we put the devil on the road.
And if we have a constant joy, then invoke Mary, the Rosary recémosle, Let us sing songs and praises, and then yes we will be happy all the time, with a smile to our neighbors. And not only we will be happy, but give happiness, joy and peace to our people and everyone who crosses our path.
Let us imitate the birds who are always happy with some settle, and sing to the rising sun and are not ambitious. Sometimes we lose our peace and joy because we envision what we should not covet, and how we fail, we get sad and melancholy, even morose.
Let go of those chains that have imprisoned us and fly free in the love of God in the joy of knowing we are loved by God, and with the certainty that awaits us down the road, happiness without end and without measure.

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