sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012


From sinners to saints

Have mercy.

We must have mercy on all men, because if we have been great sinners, then we know from experience how weak we are men to temptation. If we are righteous, then we know the wisdom that resides in us, how easy it is human nature to give in to temptation!

When we see someone who sins, think: Maybe that person has suffered much in his life and reacts well, perhaps he lacked love.

There are thousands of mitigating that God can know and that we do not know, and therefore we should not judge because we do not know why people act one way or another.

Always remember that if we have the grace not commit grave sins and faults and is not only our merit, but because God sustains us with His grace, so that if He left us from his hand, fall into the sins more severe and humiliating.

Learning from the Blessed Virgin, purest creature that being hated sin, but did not judge the sinners, and was compassionate and loving to everyone, and even if Satan himself asked her forgiveness, she would forgive him, something that will never happen because the devil never humble as it is confirmed in sin and pride.

Let us also good to all, compassionate and remember that what we are today we might not tomorrow, because as the Apostle says: He who stands take heed lest he fall. And do not judge the sinners, for whom today is a great sinner, maybe tomorrow will be a great saint.

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