viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

Particles of Gospel...

Gospel particles

Doubling our treasure.

And he that had received two gained two more. (Mt 25, 17).


Just as we get hold of a treasure that we can live this earthly life, so we must seek to become rich in the eyes of God, using and using all the gifts and graces that God has given us, and we must also use the same gifts we get for the same purpose, ie, to make us a treasure in heaven, where there is no danger of being stolen thieves.

God wants to get off of men, so not worth the saying of those who say: "I do not do anything wrong," and believes that it is safe and deserve Heaven.No! God wants us to avoid evil, but we do positively good, because with your help we can give glory to God, that while we do not increase the glory of God, because it is infinite and God can not add anything, however we must bear fruit because God has created for it.

Everyone should know her as well use their material and spiritual wealth with which God has endowed him, and work tirelessly to occur at the end of his life before God, with his hands full of good works. So yes the faithful servant may hear those beautiful words of the Lord: "Come, good and faithful servant, enter part of the joy of your Lord." And this will be forever, forever and ever, or as they say: "As God is God."

Jesus, Mary, I love you, save souls.

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