miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

First day...

Mary, our model
CONSIDERATION. - The best way to honor the Blessed Virgin, we strive to
play their admirable virtues, because She is not only our mother, but our
Mary has been elevated to the sublime holiness that characterized not by gender exceptional life,
but fully complying with the spirit of faith, each of their acts. Sui existence has been,
outwardly simple and ordinary: the observation of the divine law: the practice of the virtues of their state,
constitutes its perfection. The road followed, is that we should follow. Lift up
She looked up, her behavior and meditate apliquémonos to play by our feelings,
actions, words, what we admire in her, let us strive to make each day a step in this imitation
our Mother, this is the safest way to be nice.
"The soul of Mary is the faithful mirror which reflects, in all its beauty, the sublime
virtues, "Ambrose says, that she is our model and the light of all our steps.
EXAMPLE. - A holy king, enjoyed going during winter nights, to visit Jesus in the
solitude of his tent.
The vassal who followed him and walked back, just trampled the snow, shivering,
my feet hurt and complained of the hardships of the road. The prince said, "Put your feet in the
traces of my footsteps and feel significantly relieved. "
The server did and felt suddenly a hot sweet fortified it.
Walk in the footsteps of the Holy Virgin, put our feet in the marks of his footsteps
and following, easy to find, even appealing, what had seemed at first impossible
or unpleasant.
If the heat of the virtues of Mary encourages our hearts, suddenly feel parched by a
unquenchable ardor to follow in the footsteps of a beautiful model, that is, to imitate.
PRAYER. - Oh Mary! receive me, I beg you, as your son; obtenedme the grace to imitate
your virtues, particularly your humility, gentleness, patience and love for God. Obtain for one
Vos and true devotion to your divine Son without which nothing can be, teach me to
bear the crosses, humiliations, and all the sorrows that God send like: do, in order that
living in the practice of virtue, to die in your arms and pronouncing the names expiring
Jesus, Mary and Joseph. So be it.
RESOLUTION. - I will apply to imitate the Blessed Virgin, in all my actions.
Ejaculation. - Holy Mother of God, pray for us.

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