sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2012

Reflection of the day...

Let us be good.
God wants us to be good, that's all. Nothing else asks the Gospel, not anything God asks of us, as if we are good we will be fulfilling the commandments and be good Catholics.
We must be kind to everyone, be gentle and kind, charitable and helpful, because that is what being a Christian. And especially we must be kind with which we live every day, because sometimes we are kind to outsiders, and in our own home we are very harsh. The charity begins at home.
And despite setbacks and misfortunes that have to suffer, do not lose the goodness, we do not become ill, just because that's the plan of the enemy, the devil, make all the trials of life make us tougher, meaner , we turn away from God, make us bitter and vengeful. Let's not give the devil a taste every day and be good, but the world, the flesh and the devil is ensañen against us, as we continue to be increasingly good with everyone.
Nothing else made ​​the same Jesus, who despite receiving such ingratitude of men, increasingly ingratitude, as he grew up evil against Him, He gave gifts to men more. And his gifts were last Eucharist and his Mother, who gave himself for us the mother to all men. Let us imitate him in being good all the way until the end.

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