martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

Transfigúrame, Lord

With your grace, to understand your death.
With your power, to see your face.
With your majesty, to worship as King.

Yes, Lord, with thy transfigúrame
because, in many cases,
I fear only see you as a man and not as God.

Yes, Lord, with your eyes transfigúrame
because, in the hard way, I have fear of losing,
not distinguish in the hills just beyond my sight.
Yes, Lord; transfigúrame with your love
and then understand how much I want to:
you love me, until the end,
you love me, to give your life for me,
you love me, because you do not want to miss,
I love, because God is the source of so much love.

Yes, Lord; transfigúrame with your strength,
because I am weak in the fight,
because I prefer the plain sweet
costs to just the peak of your glory.
Because, as I am still your friend,
not always discover the glory you hide.
Transfigúrame, Lord.
For that, my life like yours,
is a flash that comes down from heaven itself.
God flavored flash.
Flavored flash the immense love that God has me.

P. Javier Leoz

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