domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

The Fathers of the Church enlighten us

We completed the journey of fasting and, by God's grace, we have come to fruition. For indeed, what is the port for those capitanean a boat, the reward for runners, the medal for athletes, it is this week for us, is the largest and highest good, and she fought in order to obtain the prize. That is why we call [Easter], Semana Grande. And not because their days are longer than others, as there longer hours in other weeks, nor because I have more days than others, because [of that] every week are the same, but because this week the Lord has done great things.

During this week, we call Grande, the long tyranny of the devil came to an end, death was extinguished, the Fort was defeated, dispersed assets, sin was rejected, abolished the curse, heaven is open again, and access to free and unobstructed sky, humans have come into communication with the angels, the separation wall has been torn down, ripped the veil and the God of peace has brought peace to heaven and earth. Those are the reasons why we call Grande this week.

Understandably, this week the crowd of Christians intensify its efforts, some multiply their fasts, their vigils holy other, other handouts. This is a way of witnessing, through the zeal for good works, all the good that the Lord has given us. When the Lord raised Lazarus, the entire city of Jerusalem testified that he had raised the dead through the crowd that came out to meet Christ, as the zeal of those who came out to meet him testified to the magnitude of the miracle performed, the Similarly, our fervor in celebrating Semana Grande proof and witness the magnitude of the great work done once [for us]. For us, that we set out to meet Christ today, we left not a single city of Jerusalem only, but worldwide the churches, thousands, depart to meet Jesus, do not go to meet him waving palm branches, but the Lord Christ offered alms, neighborly love, virtue, fasting, tears, prayer, vigils, and all sorts of virtues.

Also venerate us this week, I will go with you, carrying olive branch and the words of my teaching, thereby depositing my two pennies, as the widow of the Gospel. Formerly Hebrews left children with palm branches in their hands, and crying aloud: Hosanna in the highest heaven, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. We, in turn, get out wearing the guise of classes [palm] the good disposition of the soul in bloom, repeating in a loud voice the [Psalm] now sing: Praise the Lord, O my soul, praise the Lord while I live, [salmodiaré to my God as long].

P. Max Alexander

Have a good weekend

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