sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

In my church, I believe in you, Lord!

I'll open the door, when I call times
and after hours and, even with uncertainties or doubts,
proclaim that you are alive and active.
That, in my fears and worries,
give me the courage of a lion,
to deal with my opponents.

In my church, I believe in you, Lord!
Come, Lord, and as Thomas show me your side
not to create more or less,
but to feel a little heat from your lap.
Come, Lord, and like Thomas, teach me your feet,
not because you want them drilled,
but because, to contemplate,
will know the price you pay
those who wish to walk in your ways.
Come, Lord, and as Tom, give me your hands,
not to warn the nail holes left,
but for, clasping mine on yours,
I understand that you are helping the afflicted,
which is to encourage the bereaved,
or serve with generosity,
every man who walks needed.

In my church, I believe in you, Lord!
Because, you know, the Apostles,
weak and saints, with strengths and weaknesses,
We have left this church is Mother and servant,
Holy and sinful, big and small,
Rich and poor, but splendid
for the joy of your Easter resuscitator.
Hallelujah, I think with your Church, in you Lord!

P. Javier Leoz

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