viernes, 27 de julio de 2012


I'm an older person

He constantly criticizes people
greater by not adapting to the modern world.
However, our Company
for all you have done and do not blame
Therefore anyone.

However, after thorough
meditation, we should point out that,
despite having been
long hair, you have made
sexual revolution of us
rebelled against the so-called
traditional values ​​and
having danced with The Beatles
and the Rolling Stones.
In fact, I'm an older person.
But ...

It was not us that we eliminate:
 -The melody of music,
 -The talent and ingenuity of the creations
 -The good voice in singing,
 -Pride in our outward appearance,
 -Courtesy while driving,
 -The romance in relationships,
 -The commitment of the couple,
 The responsibility of parenthood,
 -The union of the family,
 -The love of learning and culture,
 -The feeling of patriotism,
 -The rejection of vulgarity,

It was not us that we eliminate:
The scene of Christmas in schools and cities,
-Intellectual behavior,
-The refinement of language,
-The commitment to literature,
-Prudence in spending,
-The ambition to achieve something in life to be
-Nor we get to God's governance
  schools and our lives.
And of course we are not we eliminate
  patience and tolerance of our relationships
  or our personal interactions
  with others.

Indeed, I am already an adult!
But I can still liven up a party ...
even if only until 2 am reluctant
I can still open jars with lids tested
children if I have to use a hammer.
I still remember arriving at my house ...
although it should carry a map with me.
I still sleep like a baby at night ...
but the next day delay to allow the body
me up.

Indeed, I am an adult!
But I can still laugh at the reviews ...
but sometimes can not hear me say.
I'm still very good at telling stories ...
although repeated several times.
But do not think I've become a fighter,
cantankerous and uncompromising ...

Simply that age I have to say:
there are things that I do not like ...
I do not like traffic congestion,
no crowds,
no loud music,
or screaming children,
no barking dogs,
and politicians
not much else
I remember now.

And continue to enjoy
of my life to the fullest, keep dancing
with the Beatles and the Rolling Stones!.
However, I can not remember
who the hell sent me this.
Maybe send it again
the person that sent it to me.

Only seniors can
understand this to be sending
messages and jokes heavy
e-mail every day.

Now I have doubts ...
Already have I sent them this?
Well, just in case, I will return
to send them to be sure
that will come.
It's just a sign that
I think of you!

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