martes, 10 de julio de 2012

Religius notes...


The Catechism of the Catholic Church.


550 The coming of the Kingdom of God is the defeat of Satan's kingdom (cf. Mt 12, 26): "But if by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, who has come to you the kingdom of God" (Mt 12 , 28). Jesus' exorcisms free the men from the domination of demons (cf. Lk 8, 26-39). They anticipate the great victory of Jesus over the "prince of this world" (Jn 12, 31). On the Cross of Christ will be definitely established the Kingdom of God, "a ligno Deus Regnavit" ("God reigned from the wood of the Cross" hymn "Vexilla Regis").


Why did Christ come to earth? He came to rescue the men from the hands of Satan. And every Christian should be aware that if you want to follow his vocation, must also be a little redemption, that is, to help free the souls of the evil power.

What little is understood today, including Christians and even churchmen, not excepted priests and even bishops, that the mission of the Church and of Christians is not a social mission, but snatch souls to Hell!

There are sermons and homilies that give real shame, because they spin only on the economic and aid to the poor, regardless of the poorest are those who have fallen into the hands of the devil, and that these must be rescued, as well poor materials.

While our goal to focus and get back to lay the foundation for a concerted and united to save souls, because no other is the mission of Jesus Christ, that of establishing the Kingdom of God on earth, conquering the kingdom of Satan.

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