viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012


Working with illusion

Some workers were breaking stones
front of a huge construction site.
A visitor approached one of the workers
and asked:

- What are you doing here?

The worker looked at him sharply and replied:
- Perhaps you are blind not to see what we do?
There, crushing stone as slaves for a pittance
and without the slightest recognition. You see the same poster.
There put the names of engineers, architects,
but we put ours we work
Hard work and leave the skin on.

The visitor then approached another worker
and asked the same.

- Here, as you can see, breaking stones to raise
This huge building. The work is hard and poorly paid,
But times are tough, not much work and something
must be done to bring the food to the children.

He approached the visitor to a third worker and again
asked what he was doing.
The man replied with enthusiasm:

- We are raising a Hospital, the most beautiful in the world.
Future generations will look up impressed
and hear the constant in and out of ambulances,
announcing God's help for men.
I do not see it done, but I want to be part
of this extraordinary adventure.

The same job, the same pay, the same lack
recognition, the same reality.

Three different ways to live: as slavery;
as resignation, as passion, adventure and challenge.

You think the world is a hell and will be.
Think that this world is part of Paradise and will be.

Living with hope, turning work into a party,
feel part of the good works ... It depends on you.

If you do what you love and get paid up,
What else would you ask of life?

Live your dream job and thank God,
not all are fortunate to have you.

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