domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2012

To do pray...

To do pray

Praying to thank.

If we thank the sweeper sweeping the street we, the employee serves us, how can we fail to thank God who provides us with everything and keeps us constantly on the existence of love? For though God does not grant us what we ask, and just because they exist, to live in this world, we must give thanks, and we do that through prayer.

Remember that episode of the ten lepers who were healed by the Lord, and only one came back to give thanks to God, and that alone was completely saved. With this we want to show that gratitude Christ gets new graces, and through prayer we must not only ask God, but tell him we love, we are grateful to him for all the love he has for us and the beings we love.

In the words of the liturgy, it is right and just, our duty and our salvation give thanks to God always and everywhere.

If meditated over these words the Church wisely directs us, then our lives would be a song of thanksgiving to God, which we get a sea of ​​benefits, because thank God who becomes the object of the favor of God, and He fills above goods imaginable, who is grateful.

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