martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Gospel particles


For unto every one that hath shall be given and he will have abundance, but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away. (Mt 25, 29).


In our life there is no middle, or because we are saved and going to heaven, to eternal happiness, or we condemn and go to hell, to the unhappiness forever.

So it is with God's gifts. When the Lord gives us gifts if we are faithful to preserve them and make them fruitful, then the Lord gives us more gifts and goods, and that's like a river of grace that part of God's heart and goes to the heart of the faithful, and it ends up being rich in graces and talents.

But who is entrusted with a gift and leave it untapped without making produce fruit, there will come a time when you also remove that gift.

That's like a race all or nothing, or Heaven or Hell, there is no middle. O with Christ or against Christ.

Then think about what we are doing in our lives and the gifts and talents the Lord has given us, so take advantage and employ well in increasingly enriched in the eyes of God, not all end up being poor in the infernal abyss.

Jesus, Mary, I love you, save souls.

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