miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012


Particles of Psalms
Lord Lives!Blessed be my Rock!Exalted be God my Savior! God who gave me vengeance, who put me nations, who delivered me from my enemies, I towered over my opponents, and saved me from the hands of violent men. So the nations will praise you, O Lord, sing praises unto thy name. He gives his king great victories, and use mercy to his anointed, to David and his lineage, for all eternity. (Psalm 17, 47-51).


God is Savior, because Jesus Christ has saved all mankind, that is, those who want to save, because the sacrifice of Christ is universal, but not all will benefit from it, but do not take advantage of the reprobate.

Mary also was saved by Jesus Christ, for though Mary had no sin or original sin, this was in response to the future merits of Jesus Christ, and she was preserved from all sin from conception, through the future merits of the Redeemer. So Mary also has Christ by Salvador, and she herself sang in her Magnificat when God appointed Savior.

So it's good to remember that God is not only our Creator, to whom we owe all honor and, above all, boundless love, but He has not neglected when men frustrated their plan and the original sin we become their enemies. He then has not left us at the mercy of the power of the Abyss, but came in person to rescue. And why the devil hates us so much, because we are beloved of God and the devil is mad with envy and jealousy.Woe to us if we go to Hell!, Because the devil will have no mercy on us. We are still time to get back on track.

Blessed be God!

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